
发布 2024-02-09 16:25:07 阅读 4898

unit 1 课堂复习练习。


1do you go to school ? i go to school foot.

2your mother go to work? she by bus.

3. how your brother go to school? my home is .

he goes to school on foothe by bike.

4. we must know theat a red light.

at a yellow light. go a light.

5i get to the hospital ? can get there bus.

6. there are always three lights in every countryand


i usually go to school by bike.

my father goes to hong kong by train.

you can get to the cinema on foot.

4no, you can’t go to the park on foot.

yes, his mother goes to work by bus.


unit 2 课堂复习练习。


1is there a bookstore near here ?

yes2is the post office, pleasethe cinema.

far from hereit’s very far.

3. can i get to the museumgo by the no.1 bus.

the cinema. thenfor 3 minutes.

the is the right.

4the hospital? it’s west the bookstore.

and thenleft the post office, then


1no, there isn’t a hospital near here.

2the bookstore is next to the cinema.

i am going to buy a pair of shoes on the weekend.

walk east for 5 minutes ,the museum is on the right.

5you can take the no.3 bus.

6no, it’s not far.


unit 3 课堂复习练习。


1are you going to this afternoon ?

going to my grandparents

farso i’m going on foot.

2. is your fatherto the cinema ?

hethe cinema at 5:00 this afternoon.

3are you

i’m going to the science museum.

4sarah going to

shebuy a comic book.

5going to use any books plants ?

yes, i am.


1his mother is going at 3 o’clock.

2they are going to the bookstore.

3i’m going to plant trees tomorrow.

4i’m going to be a teacher.

5yes, he is going to the cinema.

6no, we are going at 5 o’clock.


unit 4 课堂复习练习。


1hobby ? i like ****** kites.

2hobby ? he likes flying kites.

3hobby ? she likes riding a bike.

4. what’shobby ? my father likes reading.

5your pen pal live? she in hong kong.

6your sister teach chinese ? nomath.

7ann go to school by bikeshe does.

8your pen pal a student ? yes, he .

9your hobby swimming ? yes

10your brother like swimming ? no


1i like collecting stamps.

2she likes diving.

3no, he is a doctor.

4yes, my mother teaches math.

5my uncle lives in canada.

6no, he doesn’t. he lives in beijing.

7sure, he can go with us.


unit 5 课堂复习练习。



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