
发布 2024-02-09 15:40:07 阅读 1282





) b. house c. horse( )b. make ) b. west c. east() b. next c. behind

) near the post office. b. it’s next to the post office.

( there a museum near here? b. is there a cinema near here?


)3 c.这儿附近有一家电影影院吗?()在书店往右拐。()它在博物馆的隔壁。三、听问句,选择相应的答语。

) yes, there is. b. yes, i do.

) it’s near the cinema. b. turn left at the cinema.

( turn left at the post office. b. it’s near the school.

( it’s near the hospital. b. yes, it is.

( thank youb. you’re welcome.四、听录音,将句子补充完整。

1. we are in of the cinema.2.

turn at the bookstore.

3. excuse is the ?4. it’s the london eye.5. how can i there?笔试部分:

一、根据所给提示,将句子补充完整。 is the博物馆) near the电影院) can i get to the医院)右边)

the post office. (与…相邻)二、选择正确的选项。

1there a cinema near here?a. are b.

is c. do d. does2.

where the post office?a. is b.

am c. are d. were3.

how can i get the bookstore?a. for b.

to c. in the cinema is the park.

a. behind b. on c.

next d. to5. turn right the for b.

to c. in d. at三、从b栏中找出a栏各句的正确答语并连线。

is the cinema ? a. no, turn left.

2. how can i get there ? b.

it’s next to the hospital.3. is it far from here ?

c. yes, it is.4.

turn right here ? d. go straight.

5. is there a bookstore? e.

no, there isn’t.


1.there isbe not ) a bookstore near here.2. how can he (get) there?

3. shego )to school at 7:00.

4. he must (turn) right now.5.

can i (help) you?五、阅读对话,判断正(t)误(f)。

a: excuse me. is there a cinema near here?b: yes, there where is it?

b: it’s in front of the can i get there?

b: go straight for three minutes and then turn thank you are welcome.

) 1. a wants to go to the park.( 2.

the cinema is behind the park.( 3. go straight for three hours.

) 4. a should go straight and then turn right.( 5. the cinema is very far.








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