
发布 2024-02-07 21:11:23 阅读 1717


6b unit7 a letter to a penfriend


to peter给peter写信,也可以说:write a letter to peter

stamps收集邮票/collect coins收集硬币。

a letter写一封信/write an e-mail写一封电子邮件

a picture画一幅画/draw pictures画画。

a kite做一只风筝/.make a kite for sb.给某人做风筝

my homework做我的家庭作业/do one’s homework做家庭作业。

fax machine一部传真机 telephone number一个**号码

writing *****一些信纸/an envelope and some stamps一个信封和一些邮票/a


afternoon昨天下午 primary school 小学毕业

to middle school 升入中学。

english boy一个英国男孩/a chinese girl一位中国女孩

the news*****在报纸上/in the magazine在杂志上。

his penfriend成为他的笔友/want to be one’s penfriend想做某人的笔友。

be good friends成为好朋友

in london住在伦敦/live in new york住在纽约。

hobbies他的爱好/h**e the same hobbies有相同的爱好

to music听** model planes做模型飞机。

f**ourite subjects我特别喜爱的科目。

good idea一个好主意i h**e a good idea.我又一个好主意。that’s a good idea.那是一个好主意。

address电子邮件地址 for 要求得到

jinling primary school在金陵小学 other subjects一些其他的科目

in a new house住在一座新房子里。

everything about you知道关于你的一切事情 best wishes祝好。

a penfriend in china想要一个中国的笔友。


1. -can i h**e a/an/some/the…? what for? 我可以要一个(些)…吗? 为什么?

---i want to… -sure. here you are.

我想要… 可以。给你。

2. -who do you want to write to? 你想要给谁写信?

3. -what are his hobbies? -his hobbies are…/he like…(ing)

他的爱好是什么? 他的爱好是…..他喜欢……

4. you both h**e the same hobbies. i think you’ll be good friends.

你们俩有相同的爱好。 我认为你们将成为好朋友。

5. thank you for your letter. 谢谢你的来信。

6. i would like to know more about you. 我想要更多的了解你。

7. i hope so. 我希望如此。


1. 注意单复数:

what’s your hobby? /what are his hobbies?

回答:i like … 动词ing … 如:my hobby is drawing pictures.)

2. 注意both, all, also等词在句中的位置(be动词之后,行为动词之前)。

如: my parents are both workers.

you both h**e the same hobbies.

you can also tell him about our new house.

6b 第七单元检测。


1. jack isat english.

2. my faxis 86-025-**

3 it’s very hot inin hangzhou.

4. no. 8is near our school.

5is coming. my mother will come back from australia.


) 1. the boybig eyes is tom’s brother.

a. inb. withc. for

) 2. mr greena play last sunday.

a. seeb. seesc. saw

) 3. mike is very fat. he isthan liu tao.

a. olderb. he**ierc. younger

) 4. jimto do more exercise at the weekends.

a. wantsb. wantc. is wanting

) 5. a: what are the students doing?

b: theyan english lesson.

a. hadb. hasc. are h**ing

) 6. a: who would like to read the new works?

b: let helen read them. she readsthan all of us.

a. betterb goodc well

) 7is the post office from our school?

a. how long b. how many c. how far

) 8. we’re going to play table tennis. will you __us?

a. joinb. take part in c come

) 9do you want to

a. whose; write b. who; write to c. who; write

) 10. yesterday yang lingan american boy in the street. shehim the way to the shopping centre.

a. meet; show b. meets; shows c. met; showed


1. we often buy books in the

2. lanlan, please post thefor me.

3. mr black is from the uk. he’s living in a __in nanjing.

4. —can i h**e the stamp on the

yes, here you are.

5. it’s a __day todaygo to the countryside to pick apples.


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