
发布 2024-02-07 17:41:22 阅读 7496






1. a. my brother is 160 cm tall.

b. my brother is 170 cm tall.

) 2. a. i am 50 kg.

b. i am 15 kg.

3. a. his schoolbag is bigger.

b. his schoolbag is he**ier.

) 4. a. i’m three years older than you.

b. i’m three years younger than you.

5. a. i saw an interesting film last weekend.

b. i read an interesting magazine last weekend.



) i’m 160cm tall. and youhow tall are you?

) yes, you’re righti’m 158cm tall.

) you’re 2 cm taller than me.





4. he**y(比较级5. tall(比较级6. play(过去式。

过去式过去式9. live(过去式。



1. itv last night. (watch, watched ).

2. my friend is shorterme. (than, this )

3. i’m 12. lily is 11. i’mthan her. (younger, older )

4. i am 165 cmtall, taller )

5. the elephant is big, but the dinosaur isthan elephant. (big, bigger )


) 1. you ’retaller than me.

a. 6 cm b. 6 mc. 6 kg

) 2. i am 1.58m tall, but you are 1.55m. so

am taller than you. b. i am shorter than you. c. you are taller than me.

) 3. they __english last night.

b. studyed c. studied

) 4. my brother’s bed islong.

a.1.8m b.160mc. 1.5cm

) 5. my schoolbag is he**ier than

a. you b. yourc. yours

) 6. my brother is 1.60m

a. long b. tallc. he**y

) 7. what __he __yesterday?

a. does, do b. do, did c. did, do

( )8. i’mthan you.

a. strongb. thinc. thinner

) 9did you go on your holiday? i went to shanghai.

a. what b. where c. how

) 10he __football last weekend?

a. did, played b. did, play c. did, plays


1. am, i, than, taller, you (.

2. cleaned, i, my, last weekend, room (.


hello,theevening, )visited hisgrandparentslastweekend.

) went to the cinema last sunday evening.


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