
发布 2024-02-03 23:14:59 阅读 8098


unit1 when is your birthday?

1、今天星期几? what day is (it) today?

2、今天是几号? what’s the date today?

3、我妈妈在周六看电视。my mother watches tv on saturday.

4、你在下午干什么?what do you do in the afternoon?

5、这是我弟弟的篮球。this is my brother’s basketball.

6、你爸爸的生日是什么时候? 九月二十号。~ it is on september 12th.

7、你想来参加我的生日聚会吗?do you want to come to my birthday party?

8、他们的生日***。their birthdays are in october.

9、十二月是一年中的第十二个月。december is the twelfth month of a year.

10、我们在十一月三号举办英语聚会。we h**e an english party on november3rd.

11、他们的生日在七月九号。their birthdays are on july 9th.

12、我喜欢看排球比赛。i like watching the volleyball match.

13、你妈妈喜欢什么体育活动?what sports does your mother like?

14、学校的郊游***九号。our school trip is on october 9th.

15、我们学校每年都开运动会。our school has a sports meet every year.

16、在五月他们有两次篮球比赛。they h**e two basketball matches in may.

17、我妹妹非常喜欢运动。my sister likes sports very much.

unit 2 my f**orite subject is science.

1、你最喜欢哪门学科?what is your f**orite subject?

2、你的周末怎样?how is your weekend?

3、琳达为什么不喜欢科学?why doesn’t linda like science?

4、我们周二上地理课。we h**e geography classes on tuesday.

5、我累了,我想休息。i am tired. i want to h**e a rest.

6、你的鞋是什么颜色? what color are your shoes?

7、我们在早晨六点半吃早饭。we h**e breakfast at half past six in the morning.

8、我妹妹喜欢周二,因为她有**课。my sister likes tuesday. because she has ..

9、我妈妈总是和我玩游戏。my mother always plays games with me.

10、你为什么不喜欢历史? 因为它很无聊。why don’t you like history

11、我们的语文课在周五的下午。we h**e chinese on friday afternoon.

12、在周六你很忙吗?are you very busy on saturday?

13、你上午几点上数学课?what time do you h**e math in the morning?

14、放学后我们上两个小时的美术课。we h**e an art lesson for...after school.

15、谢谢你的帮助。thanks for your help.

16、我想在周六的下午见你。i want to see you on saturday afternoon.

17、让我们在周天见面,你方便吗?let’s meet on sunday. is that ok with you?

18、我认为地理很难但是很有趣。i think geography is ..but very ..

19、我们下午5点放学。our school is over at five.

20、bob 喜欢周五,因为第二天是星期六。..because the next day is saturday.

21、我周五很忙。i am very busy on friday.

22、我每天踢一个小时的足球。i play soccer for an hour every day.

23、咱们星期天见面吧,我有空。let’s meet on sunday. i am free.

24、我喜欢我的语文老师,因为他很有趣。i like my chinese teacher. because...

unit 3 can you play the guitar?

1、我想参加**俱乐部。i want to join a music club.

2、你会弹吉他吗?can you play the guitar?

3、李明想讲英语。li ming wants to speak english.

4、lisa 会拉小提琴,但是她不会下象棋。lisa can play the violin but she can’t..

5、玛丽喜欢**,但是不喜欢运动。mary likes music but she doesn’t like sports.

6、你想参加什么俱乐部?what club do you want to join?

7、你的父亲会做什么运动?what sports does your father do?

8、我的英语老师擅长讲故事。my english teacher is good at telling stories.

9、你喜欢画画吗?do you like drawing pictures?

10、让我们踢足球吧!let’s play soccer.

11、你对你的妹妹友好吗?are you good with your sister?

12、我经常帮助妈妈做家务。i often help ..with housework\ do housework.

13、你擅长弹钢琴还是踢足球?are you good at playing the piano or soccer?

14、你喜欢英语还是语文?我喜欢英语。do you like chinese or english?

15、他会唱歌,但是不会跳舞。he can sing but he can’t dance.

16、你会弹钢琴还是拉小提琴?can you play the piano or the violin?

17、我们应该对老年人友好。we should be good with the old people.

18、你擅长讲故事吗?are you good at telling stories?

19、周末你有时间吗?are you free on the weekend?

20、我们学校演出需要20个学生。we need twenty students for the school show.

21、我弟弟会唱歌。他想周末教孩子们**。..he wants to teach children music..

22、你会用英语给我们讲故事吗?can you tell us stories in english?

23、我的妹妹喜欢弹钢琴。my sister likes playing the piano.

24、他经常帮助我学校英语。he often helps me with my english.

25、你为什么想参加艺术俱乐部?why do you want to join the art club?

26、我妹妹英语讲得好。my sister speaks english well.

27、这个男孩善于打鼓。the boy is good at playing the drum.

unit 4 what time do you go to school?

1、你妈妈几点起床?what time does your mother get up?

2、我在早晨七点上学。i go to school at seven o’clock in the morning.

3、你几点吃早饭?what time do you h**e breakfast?

4、你早上8点上班吗?do you go to work at eight o’clock in the morning?

5、他在一家电台工作。he works at a radio station.

6、他们通常在周末锻炼。they usually exercise on weekends.

7、我早晨从来不吃早饭。i never eat breakfast in the morning .

8、我妹妹不喜欢早起。my sister doesn’t like getting up early.

9、我早晨有时在6点起床,并锻炼半个小时。i sometimes get up at six in the morning and exercise for half an hour.

10、我妈妈每天七点上班。my mother goes to work at seven o’clock.

11、他喜欢饭后吃冰激凌。he likes to eat ice cream after dinner.

12、我妈妈通常在周末打扫房间。my mother usually cleans the rooms on weekends.

13、我有健康的习惯。i h**e healthy habits.

14、我们午饭吃大量的蔬菜。we eat lots of vegetables for lunch.

15、在周六的晚上他要么看电视,要么踢足球。he either watches tv or plays soccer on saturday evening.

16、我在11点45吃午饭。i eat lunch at a quarter to twelve.

17、冰激凌通常味道好,所以,学生喜欢放学后吃。ice cream tastes good so students like to eat it after school.




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