
发布 2024-02-03 23:09:59 阅读 4432


unit 1

1. she is ing photos of her house her friends。


me show you the changes my old bedroom the new one.


3. there was window in my bedroom, so it is


4. my old house was ur school. 你的房子离学校远。

5. my old house close to the school. 我得房子离学校不近。

6. it’s a lot closer to the school. your bed prettier than the one ,

] nearer to school, [

] play football any more. [

7. the bed and the pillows are presentsmy grandma and grandpamy new bedroom.


8. this bed is than mine. 这张床比我的更舒服。

1. she happy bur she

before 之前是过去时, now 是现在进行时。

10. there is a nice study in theapartment.

there wasn’t a study in the old apartment. old旧的,表示过去时。

there is a lamp and two books on the desk.

there books and a book on the desk. there be ,be 动词的使用看最近的一个。

unit 2

1. she was just two years old.


2. you were a healthy baby with blonde hair and blue eyes.

3. you lovely to look at, but you very always


4. he isn’t fit or strong. 他现在即不健美也不强壮。,

5. when did he become a manager? 你什么时候成为经理?

in 1990.

6. when did he become a pupil? 你什么时候成为学生?

in 2000.

7. were you a great footballer? 你以前是不是一名很棒的足球运动员?

no, i wasn’t.

8. pat and i should go on a diet. pat 和我两个都需要**。

9. i a student ten years 十年前我是一名学生。


9. he lunch at one o’clock 昨天一点我才吃午餐。

he lunch at twelve o’clock. 他通常在12点吃午餐。

yesterday 昨天 ,表示过去时, usually 通常, 表示一般时。

module 2 diaries (日记)

1. when is tree planting day? 植树节在几月几号?

on march 12th. 在3月12日。

eight o’clock all the pupils of our class baiyun hill by bus.

start for 出发前往 = le**e for

3. miss white and mr chen miss white 和mr chen 和我们一起去。

4. we yesterday. 挖洞。

the man dig the hole now.

the old man dighole in the garden morning.

the boy a hole in his garden.

5. then we the young trees the holes 。[

he the trees into the holes now.

6. they the holes earth. [

look, the children the holes with earth.

6. miss white for the new trees. [

they the water for the new trees.

he for the young trees on sunday morning.

7. they

8. we were happy when we 完成工作。

9. [hope the trees will

10. there are le**es. [

11. shoots come out. 发芽了。

12. it’s time tothe fruit. 摘水果。

13. we planted it by the road our garden.


14. last night a car crashed into the tree.

it was broken. 书折断了。

15. i was sad when i saw that. 我看到这时我很伤心。

16. shall we cut don the tree?

17. let’s try to s**e it. 让我们试试救一下它。

18. let’s move it into our garden.

19. she felt surprised when so many flowers appeared.


20. janet a diary yesterday. janet 昨天写日记。

she usually diaries in the evening. 她通常在晚上写日记。

look, the girl is keeping a diary now. 她正在写日记。

module 3 famous people 名人。

1. i am reading about a famous historical.

2. i am reading a story about robin hood.

3. wha’s that? it’s dr sun yatsen. he isenglish hero.

4. there are a lot of stories about him.

5. he stayed in a wood

6. in the [,century people began to talk about his stories.

注意, 第14世纪, 14 用序数词, 14th = fourteenth 第十四。

7. he was a clever and br**e man. =he is clever and br**e.

8. he lived with his friends. 他和朋友住在森林里。

9. he and 他劫富济贫。

10. dr sun yatsen guangdong. 孙中山出生在广东。

11. dr sun yatsen was[, 中国之父。

12. why was he so important?

13. he was r. 他是伟大的领袖。

14. he was 反对皇帝。

15. he tried to [,and 改变中国和解放人民。

16. finally he started to change china.

17. in 1976, the chinese people lost their premier zhou enlai.

在1976年, 中国人民失去了他们的***。

18. in 1997, deng xiaoping visited guangzhou and


10. who’s the in china now? 中国的总理是谁? wen jiabao. 温家宝。




1 there are four seasons in a year 一年有四个季节。2 what season is it it s spring 它是什么季节?是春季。3 what about the weather in the south 南方的天气怎么样?4 what s the weat...


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