
发布 2024-02-03 22:59:59 阅读 2868

1、there are four seasons in a year .一年有四个季节。

2、what season is it ? it’s spring .它是什么季节?

是春季。3、what about the weather in the south ?南方的天气怎么样?

4、what’s the weather like ?天气怎么样?

how is the weather ?天气怎么样?

it’s sunny and warm .天气既晴朗又暖和。

5、is she your mum’s f**ourite singer?她是你妈妈最喜欢的歌手吗?yes , she is .是,是的。

no, she isn’t .不,不是的。

6、dose your mum like music ?你妈妈喜欢**吗?yes , she is .是的,她喜欢。no , she

isn’t .不,她不喜欢。

7、mum and i will go to see that film on mother’s day.我和妈妈要在母亲节那天去看那场电。

影。8、is red your mum’s f**ourite colour ?你妈妈最喜欢的颜色是红色吗?yes, it is .是,它。

是。no , it isn’t.不,它不是。

9、i want to buy a cd or *** for my mum .我想给我妈妈买一张cd或***。10、she is the world’s greatest mum.

她是世界上最伟大的妈妈。11、i h**e the best mum in the world .我有世界上最好的妈妈。

12、who was she ?她是谁?

she was a greatest scientist .她是一位伟大的科学家。13、many people learned from her .很多人向他学习。

14、he was a doctor from canada .他是一名来自加拿大的医生。

he s**ed many people’s lives .他挽救了很多人的生命。

15、we went on a science field trip last week.上周我们进行了一次科学考察。16、what did you learn ?


we learned that bees can make honey .我们学会了蜜蜂会酿蜜。

17、we learned that ants always work together.我们学到了蜜蜂总是齐心协力一起工作。18、it looks like a butterfly .


he looks like his father .他看起来像他的爸爸。19、the silkworms eat the le**es on the tree.蚕吃树叶。

20、when did the spring festival start ?春节起源于什么时候?

it started very long ago .它起源于很久以前。

21、people made moon cakes to celebrate the autumn .人们做月饼来庆祝秋天。22、how interesting !多有趣啊!

what a good idea!多好的一个主意啊!

23、children’s is on june 1st.儿童节在六月一日。

24、the children will give a performance .孩子们将要表演节目。

25、i danced on children’s day last year .去年我在儿童节那天跳舞了。26、you sang a lovely song last year .

去年你唱了一首极好听的歌。27、i will sing another song this year .今年我将唱另外一首歌。

28、can you see the lightning ?你能看到闪电吗?29、the rain is too he**y .

雨太大了。30、the wind is too strong .风太大了。

31、look at the black clouds in the sky .看天上的乌云。

32、let’s wait until the storm passes.让我们等暴风雨过去吧。

33、we will finish grade 6 soon .我们不久就要完成六年级的学业了。34、when is the final exam ?期末考试是什么时候?

35、we will h**e the exam in june .我们将在六月份举行考试。36、i’m ( a little ) afraid.我(有点)害怕。

i’m excited .我很兴奋。

37、china is a great country.中国是一个伟大的国家。

38、i will never forget the great wall .我将永远不会忘记长城。

39、who can forget such a beautiful place ?谁能忘记这么漂亮的的一个地方了?who can forget the hometown of chairman mao ?

谁能忘记***的故乡?40、i will always love the hunan silk .我将永远喜爱湘绣。

41、hunan is a province in the south of china .湖南是中国南部的一个省。42、how do you feel ?你感觉如何?

i feel so sad .我感觉很伤心。

43、we will go to different schools in september .我们九月份将要去不同的学校。44、we will h**e a farewell party on friday.


45、it’s a party to say goodbye to all our friends.它是一个和所有朋友说再见的聚会。46、see you there!不见不散。




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