
发布 2024-01-31 08:50:13 阅读 8765

unit 3 where did you go?


) day day


a: i __off my bike last saturday and __my foot.

byou all right?

a: i’m ok now.

b: where __you go?

a: i went to xinjiang.


my foot


a horse


a bike


1.--what happened?

--i __my bike last sunday.

off b. fall off c. fell

2did you go?


b. how c. where

and look __my photos __the labour day holiday.

went b. to; from c. at; from

hurt my leg. so i __come to school yesterday..

a./ b. don’t c. didn’t


from of off over by

did you go __the winter holiday?

is far___here.

went there __train.

took lots __pictures.

fell __my bike and hurt my foot.


1was the beach?

--it was so beautiful.

2did she go there?

-she went __by plane.

3.--what __he do last sunday?

-he __swimming in the lake.

went goes goes



went there by train.

b. where did you go on your holiday?

c. did you eat good food ?

went to beijing.

e. how did you go there ?

f. yes, i did.

g. what did you eat ?

ate beijing duck.



youplay)football yesterday?

you clean the room?


washed __i)clothes last night.

was hungry. he __want)eat some food.

___h**e)a dog two years ago. it likedlick)__he).


) b. mule c. bike

) b. gifts c. see

) b. rode c. see

) camping b. went fishing c. take pictures

) b. summer c. season


one day, bill ate up his breakfast and then he washed the dishes. he slipped and fell off .his clothes got dirty.

then he washed his clothes. but it rained. in the afternoon, it was sunny.

he went fishing, but he didn’t catch any fish. in the evening, he wanted to h**e supper. but he found there was no food in the kitchen.

bill read a book. suddenly, the light didn’t work. he had to watch tv.

but he was too tired. he fell asleep very soon.

) 1. bill cleaned the window after he ate up his breakfast.

) 2. in the morning, it was sunny.

) 3. in the afternoon, bill went fishing.

) 4. bill didn’t catch any fish.

) 5. bill fell asleep when he was reading a book.

unit 4 then and now


or in about on at

1. could you see stars___night?

2. tell us __your school?

3. i was born __2005.

4. i look it up __the internet.

5. there were no computers __internet in our times.

二、 单项选择。

1. there waslibrary in his old school.

a. not b. no c. no a

2. could you __the moon at night?

a. look b. watched c. see

___on the moon at night?

a. look up it b. looked up it c. look it up

4.__was your mother’s school like?

a. how b. what c. what’s

___about your family, please .

b. my c .me


) year month year

) office card



therein our school


in the tang dynasty,there


therein our school


therein my home now.


there___only a small building here


in, active, amy, is, now, class.(连词成句)

wearing a pink shirt.(对划线部分提问)

二、 单项选择。

1. today i’m __a white dress..

a. put on b. wear c. wearing

2. before, i __like maths.

a. didn’t b. don’t c. doesn’t

3. i couldn’t play the piano

a. good b. well c. gooder

4. i like __cycling.

a. go b. to going c. to go


a. swim b. swiming c. swimming


was no g___in my school ten years a___

can play football on the g___

go cevery day.

love to i___and play in the s___

often plays in the s___


was no library in my old school.(改为同义句)

there wasin my old school.

love to go cycling.(变一般疑问句)

before, winter, i, didn’t .(连词成句)


) hall

) year month

二、 单项选择。

1. there were __people there.

a. a lot b. lot of c. many

2. he could __the race.

a. win b. won c. wins

3. we should __each other.

a. to help b. help c. helping

4. i love __cycling on the weekend.

a. go b. to go c. goes

5. there waswater in the bottle.

a. a lot of b. many c. a lot


were no computers in my time.(改为同义句)

therein my time.

didn’t go by bus.(改为肯定句)

like to ice-skate and play badminton.(对划线部分提问)


betty is an american girl. she’s lives in beijing with her parents. she doesn’t know much chinese.

she can’t speak chinese well. sometimes her friend does’t understand her.

it’s sunday morning. she is going to the zoo to see pandas. she’s waiting at a bus stop.

at the bus stop she asks a boy how to go to the zoo. but the boy can’t understand her. then she takes out a pen and a piece of *****.

she draws a panda on the ***** and shows the picture to the boy. the boy smiles and then shows her the way to the zoo.


1. betty is from

2. bettyknow much chinese.

3. betty is going to the zoo to see

4. betty doesn’t know how toto the zoo.

5. bettya panda on the *****.


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