小学六年级英语训练题 4

发布 2024-01-31 06:20:11 阅读 8866

命题人:文凤菊考试时间:90分钟卷面总分: 100分

听力部分(40 分)

i. listen and choose.听音选择你所听到的词或词组,并将其代号填在题前的括号里。听两遍(1分╳10=10分)

ii. listen and choose the right picture.听音选择正确的**,并将其代号填在题前的括号里。听两遍(2分╳ 5=10分)

iii. listen and fill in the blank.听音补全句子。选出听到的单词或词组,并将其代号填在题前的括号里。听两遍(1分╳10=10分)

iv. listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.听对话,回答问题,并将其代号填在题前的括号里。听两遍



v. look at the picture, choose the right word and complete the sentence. 看图选择正确的单词完成句子,并将其代号填在括号里。


) 36. -what’s this? -it’s a

a. map b. stamp c. desk

) 37. my pen pal is from .

a. china b. america

c. england

) 38. my mom is a housewife.

she for us every day.

a. cooks dinner b. washes clothes

c. cleans the room

) hot today. wear your ,please.

a. shirt b. skirt c. shorts

) going to shanghai .

a. by ship b. by bike c. by bus

) 41. i’d like some for dinner.

a. hot dogs

b. french fries c. fish

) 42. it is nine o’clock. it’s time for .

a .bed

b. lunch c. breakfast

) 43. -what’s the weather like in yichang?

---it is

a. windy b. rainy c. sunny

) 44. we h**e onit’s my f**orite day.

a. sunday b. friday c. monday

) 45. there is a table, a chair, a bed

and an in my room.

a. computer b. tv

c. air conditioner

vi. choose the right answer.单项选择:从下列ab二个选项中选择一个正确答案,并将其代号填在题前的括号里。(1分╳15=15分)

vii、read and arrange.读下面五个句子,根据谈话内容按语言交际顺序将代号依次填在括号里。(2分╳5=10分)

a. mom, there is a call for you..

b. hello, mary. this is nina. can i speak to your mom, please?

c. thank you.

d. i’m coming. thank you.

e. sure. she’s cooking dinner. please hold on.

viii. read and answer.阅读短文,按要求答题。(2分╳10=20分)

a)my name is tim. i’m ten years old. tomorrow is the weekend.

i h**e no classes. my parents aren’t going to work. my mother is going to buy some food.

my father is going to wash his car. i’m going to play computer games with my friends. tomorrow evening we are going to h**e a big dinner.

then we are going to the cinema. we are going to h**e a nice weekend.

) 66. there are __people in tim’s family.

a. fourb. three

) 67. does tim h**e classes on the weekend?

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