
发布 2024-01-30 19:15:05 阅读 7934


words, phrases and sentences

zoo-keeper 动物管理员feed 喂养dive 跳水

crocodile 鳄鱼giraffe 长颈鹿peel 剥皮

through 穿过bar 杆子size 尺。

baby monkeys 小猴子live in 居住在

in the jungle 在丛林里swing on the rope 在绳子上荡。

wild animals 野生动物。

it lives in a zoo. 它住在动物园。

the monkey is climbing. 猴子正在爬树。

it can climb to the top of the cage. 猴子能爬到笼子的顶部。

he feeds the animals. 他喂养动物。

they like fruit and le**es. 他们喜欢吃水果和树叶。

does it h**e short arms? 它有短的胳膊吗?

i can dive. 我会跳水。

i can see a crocodile. 我能看见一条鳄鱼。

can a monkey swim and dive? 猴子会游泳还是会跳水?

we don’t like crocodiles. 我们不喜欢鳄鱼。

i can peel them with my feet. 我会用我的脚剥皮。

练习部分。i. 选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词,将序号填入题前括号内:

) 1. a. anyb. standc. lamp d. fat

) 2. a. skate b. tablec. mask d. cake

) 3. a. tentb. telescope c. else d. chess

) 4. a. slide b. livec. pig d. fish

) 5. a. findb. ridec. diamond d. ski

) 6. a. potb. clothes c. stove d. only

ii. translation

a. 1. 在丛林2. 爬树。

3. 写一首诗4. 一张伤心的面孔。

5. 许多房子6. 在学校。

7. 在门后8. 做模型飞机。

9. 一匹瘦马10 . 在小山上。

11. 寻找我的东西12. 下课后。

13. 唱首歌14.在晚上。

15. 需要些纸16. 喜爱唱歌。

b. 1. through the bars2. peel the orange with hands

3 the natural world4. the baby bears

5. a map of the a camping site

iii. think and write( 按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。

1. foot(复数2. shelves(单数。

3. brush (第三人称单数4. leaf (复数。

5. he (宾格6. i(复数。

7. twenty-two(序数词8. eat (现在分词。

iv. read and choose(选择填空)

) light is red ._cross the road !

a. notb. noc. don’t

)2. i’m thirsty . i want some

a. riceb. cokec. dumplings

)3. -what do you need for school ?

---i need

a. an appleb. a catc. some felt pens

)4. this is __uniform.

a. ab. anc./

) watch television7:15 in the evening .

a. atb. onc. in

)6. what time do you go to __every day ?

a. bedb. a bedc .the bed

)7. march 21 is __

a.21st of the march b. the 21st of march c.21st of march

) can see ain the jungle.

a. whaleb. monkey c. dolphin

)9one do you like ?

---the green one.

a. which b. what c. what colour

)10. i can’t peel the bananamy feet.

a. useb. byc. with

)11the bearlong legs?

a. does…has b. do…h**e c. does…h**e

)12. look! the beesin the flowers.

a. dance b. dancing c. are dancing

)13. this __is eating an apple.

a. dogsb. onesc. one

)14. the zoo-keeperthe animals.

a. feedb. feedsc. feeding

)15. sandy doesn’t __a telescope, but hea camera.

a. h**e; hasb. has; h**e c. h**e; h**e

) boy can climbthe top __the tree.

a. on…of b. to…inc. to…of

) 17. –do you like this red coat ?

nothat green one

a. i don’t like b. i likec. i can’t

( )18. –what shape is the man’s head in the picture?

a. it’s a ******** b. it’s a square c. it’s a circle

) 19. –are theremaps on the wall?

yes, there are


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