207 208年六年级下册六年级期末六年级英语试题

发布 2024-01-30 09:40:07 阅读 4865






一。 听单词,选出你所听到的单词,并将答案标号填在题前括号内,每个单词读两遍。(10分)

)1. a. look b. lake c. like d. wake

)2. a. fly b. dryc. try d. why

)3. a. where b. chair c. there d. here

)4. a. glass b. pass c. class d. mess

)5. a. head b. thank c. bird d. third

)6. a. feel b. fallc. fell d. flew

)7. a. game b. name c. came d. same

)8. a. star b. start c. stay d. study

)9. a. got b. getc. had d. hat

)10. a. later b. latec. letter d. little


)1. a. i want a hamburger. b. i want a hot dog. c. i want a cola.

)2. a. it will be sunny. b. it will be cloudy. c. it will snow.

)3. a. my ***** is flying away. b. my apples are falling down.

c. my balloons are flying away.

)4. a. daming is h**ing a party.

b. daming is h**ing a birthday party

c. daming is buying a birthday present.

)5. a. they are h**ing a picnic, but it start to rain.

b. they are walking in the park, but it start to snow.

c. she is doing exercise, but it goes too hot.

三.听录音,根据听内容给下面**排序,并把序号填在**下面括号内,每小题内容读两遍。( 10分)

四.看**,判断所听句子与**是否一致,一致的在**下写“t”,不一致的写“f” ,每个句子读两遍。(10分)



)1. a. it’s saturday. b. it’s half of four. c. at seven o’clock.

)2. a. i want some bread. b. sorry, i’m not. c. yes, please.

)3. a. sorry, i can’t. b. yes, i can. c. i want a hot dog, please.

)4. a. yes, i can. b. yes, i am. c. yes, you are.

)5. a. i will go to school by bus. b. i will go to school in september.

c. i will go to school at eight o’clock.

笔试部分 (50分)


he spent about twenty–one hours in space.


) 1. a. october b. sunday c. september d. july

) 2. a. bread b. cake c. hamburger d. milk

) 3. a. said b. spend c. spoke d. got

) 4. a. bring b. singing c. sleeping d. eating

) 5. a. banana b. pink c. orange d. apple

三。 单项选择,把答案标号填在题前括号内。(12分)

) 1. today is friday and tomorrow is .

a. monday b. saturday c. tuesday d. thursday

) 2. will it windy in beijing?

a. is b. are c. be d. am

) 3. he’s eating dinner, the phone rings.

a. so b. for c. and d. but

) 4. it’s half twelve after school .

a. to b. past c. for d. in

) 5. you are flying a kite i am flying a kite .

a. or; also b. and; also c. and; too d. but; too

) 6. she very happy.

a. did b. were c. was d. are

) 7. lingling bought a present.

a. we b. him c. he d. she

) 8. in 2003, it a chinese taikonaut into space.

a. takes b. took c. take d. taked

) 9. she tr**elled the world.

a. over b. all c. over all d. all over

) 10. i was very proud him.

a. of b. toc. for d. at

) 11. she is a role model blind people.

a. of b. toc. for d. at

) 12. she became blind deaf. she couldn’t see hear.

a. and; and b. or; or c. and; or d. or; and


1. helen keller wrote a book about herself.

2. we’re going to le**e our primary school soon .




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