
发布 2023-12-14 02:15:11 阅读 3833




1.钓鱼2. 湖3.乏味的4. 爱好

5.空余的6.真正的7.学习8. 弹钢琴











课后作业:一。 (翻译)

i am going to钓鱼). let's go to西丽湖).

i am going to弹钢琴). let's go to少年宫).

i am going to下象棋). let's go to我朋友家).

i am going to购物). let's go to购物中心).

i am going to野餐). let's go to公园).

i am going to听cd). let's go to我的家).

二。 make sentences in the correct order(连词成句)

1) are, going, do, what, you, to ?

2) xili lake, let's, to, go

3) h**e, am, the, i, to, not, in, picnic, going, a, park

4) the, going, play, to, you, piano, are

三。 choose the correct answer.(选出正确答案。)

1) -what are you to do ?

-we are going to fish.

a. go b. doc. doingd. going

(2) let's chess after school.

a. play b. to play c. playing d. plays

(3) it going to rain.

a. does b. am c. isd. are

4) i am going to play

a. piano b. a piano

c. an piano d. the piano

5) we are going to listen cds.

a. inb. toc. ond. with

四. 读一读,选一选。

a. how old is your sister? b. take a no. 57 bus. c no, there isn’t.

d. yes, pleasee. by bikef. about 2:30

1. a: excuse me, how can i get to the zoo?b2, a


3, a: would you like to h**e a drink?

b4, a: when does the train get to the station?

b5, a: how do you get to school?

b6, a: is there a lot of water?

b五。 read, tick or cross (读一读,打√或×)

tony is a lovely boy. his father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher. he loves them very much.

tony can do a lot of

things. he often helps his mother after school. he can do some housework.

tony is good at english. he likes drawing

and paiting. he also plays the piano, but he can't play it very well.

1) tony's father is a teacher and his mother is a doctor

2) tony loves his parents very much

3) tony often helps his mother before school

4) tony can do some housework

5) tony is good at chinese

6) tony likes drawing

7) tony can play the piano very well



2015年寒假五年级英语科讲义一。airsun education s english lectures for grade five namegrades 知识点 be动词 am is are be动词用法口诀 我 i 用am,你 you 用are,is 连着他 he 她 she 它 it 我们 ...


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第一讲多边形的面积 一 知识概述。在数学课上我们已经掌握了几种基本图形的面积计算公式 正方形的面积。长方形的面积。平行四边形的面积。三角形的面积。梯形的面积。由两个或多个简单的基本几何图形可以组合成一个组合图形,要计算一个组合图形的面积,就要根据图形的基本关系,运用分解 组合 平移 旋转 割补 加辅...