
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:54 阅读 8524

1bunit5 on the road第一课时(part b)


1.能听懂、会说a bus, a car, a taxi和a bike四个单词,发音准确。

2.能在旧句型is this…?yes, it is./ no, it isn’t.中熟练运用新学单词,使得学生不光会。


1.听懂、会说a bus, a car, a taxi和a bike四个单词,发音准确。

2.在旧句型is this…?yes, it is./ no, it isn’t.中熟练运用新学单词,使得学生不光会。


1.能在实际情形中熟练运用四种交通工具。四、教学准备:磁带,录音机,单词卡片,课件。五、教学过程:step 1 warming up1.free talk

t:hello, what’s your name?hi, how are you?nice to meet you, …

2.t:can you sing a song “my nice ruler?” let’s sing it together.

(教师和学生边做动作边唱)3.review the words.(课件出示变形**,学生猜测) lead out “bike”step 2presentation

1.(课件示**一个问号)t:what’s this? do you know?

s: no./ sorry.

t:let’s listen.(make the vioce)

ss guess it in chinese. then t teaches “a bike”2.t: where’re they?

can you guess?s: they’re on the road.


t: today, we’ll learn unit 5 on the road.(板书课题:unit 5 on the road)


3.t: children, what can you see on the road?s:

i can see…(a bus, a car, some shops, some people)t:what can mickey and garfield hear?

1) (课件:公交车喇叭声) t: what’s that? can you guess?s: a bus.

t: is he /she right? let’s h**e a look.(课件出示一辆公交车开过来)教学单词a bus出示单词卡片并带领朗读。

practice:game:“running race”(t asks two ss h**e a running race,the other ss shouted outthe word of supporters)(2)同法教学a car, a bike。

3)(课件出示:一辆出租车从远处开过来)t:look, children. is that a car?s:yes/ it’s a taxi.

教学单词a taxi出示单词卡片并带领朗读。(4)听磁带,熟读四个单词。step 3practicesay a rhyme:

i am a bike,叮铃铃i am a car,嘟嘟嘟i am a bus,按站停i am a taxi,招手停step 4 games

一)game 1 “magic eyes”

t: it’s time for us to play a game. let’s see who has the “magic eyes”.

课件示:快闪四种交通工具,快闪速度从慢到快,练习单词。(2)game 2 “what’s missing”

a.课件示四种交通工具,分别请生说出这四种交通工具的名称。s: what’s this?s: it’s a bus/car/taxi/bike.


t:what’s missing?s: a bus/bike/taxi/car.


what’s missing?s: a bus/bike/taxi/ 5sentence practice(课件出示:

rotation wheel)

t:children, is this a car?s:

yea, it is./ no, it isn’ the children to work in 6homework:

listen to the tape and read part b.板书设计:unit5on the roada bus**a car**a bike**a taxi**。

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