
发布 2022-08-08 19:08:28 阅读 4925

九年级(上)unit 8 detective stories

comic strips & welcome to the unit

学习目标:1. 1. 了解罪行的线索。

2. 阅读关于四个嫌疑犯的笔记,判断谁最有可能是罪犯。



1. 寻找线索2. 严重得多。

3. 不见了4. 重要的事情。

5. 被**6. 对某人做笔录。

7. 说出真相8. 独自在家。

9. 一个中等身高的办公室职员10. 在另一个地方。


does eddie think is a detective

2. where do you know is eddie’s food

三、预习welcome to the unit part a按要求完成下列任务。

do you think may be the murderer ? why?


一。 听录音,回答comic strip问题。

is eddie dressed like that

2 what happened


三、阅读p107 part a,向全班展示:口头介绍每一位犯罪嫌疑人的详细信息。

the first suspect is james brown. he is a doctor. he is tall and slim.

he is serious. he lives in moon town. he was working in a hospital in sun town last saturday.

四、听part b录音, 回答下列问题。

1. who does sandy think is the murderer? why?

2. who does daniel think is the murder? why?





1. he wants to be a侦探) in the future.

2. my brother works in a shop. he is a店主).

3. we h**e four犯罪嫌疑人), but it’s hard to find out who killed him.

4. d**id, could you please tell me the事实)?

5. do you know the man of中等) height?


1. why are youdress) in red?

2. eddie’s food has gonemiss).

3. that night, a young manmurder) at the gate.

4. lucy’s father is ofmiddle) height.

5. last month an old woman was killed. who was themurder)?

6. i think this event is muchserious).

7. i am sure you arelie) now. i don’t believe what you are saying.

8. the murderhappen) on a cloudy night.


1. he is such anperson. he never helps others.

2. this morning i found my new dictionary

3. all thewere caught by the police yesterday.

4. look! your room is so dirty andyou’d better clean it now.

5. my little sister is just five feet in

四、 根据汉语意思完成句子。

1. 我的食物不见了。

my food

2. 今天你为什么打扮得像个侦探呢?

why are youtoday?

3. 我要寻找一些重要事情的线索。

i want tosomething important.

4. 我已经对这个男孩做了笔录。

ithe boy.

5. 你认为谁没有说出真相?

whois not

6. 我认为他是无罪的。

i __think they

九年级(上)unit 8 detective stories

reading (1)

学习目标:1. 学习一片关于**案的新闻报道。

2. 培养阅读技巧。


一、 找出重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法),查词典和有关资料解释其意义及用法,举例句或例题。

1. at the scene of the crime2. be killed somewhere else

3. west town’s chief detective4. be wounded with a knife

5. bleed to death as a result6. check the scene for more clues___

7. help solve the case8. h**e a well-paid job

9. be guilty of computer crimes10. be charged with

11. run down corn street12. at the time of the crime

13. h**e offered a reward of ¥50,00014. lead to the arrest of the murderer___


1. where was the body of the victim found?

2. why are the police working at the scene of the crime?

3. what does the only suspect look like?

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