牛津版九年级英语上册全书语法 词汇 句式知识点汇总

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unit 1


一、seem 好像;似乎。

展示】1. you seem too strict with your little son. 你好像对你的小儿子太严格了。

2. he seems to h**e a cold. 他好像得了感冒。

3. it seems that no one is against the decision. 看来,没有人反对这个决定。

总结】seem 可以作系动词,不可用于进行时态,意思是“好像;似乎;看来”,同义词为 appear,常用结构 seem + adj.,如例 1;seem 后也可跟动词不定式,如例 2;it seems + that 从句,意思是“看来……;似乎……”如例 3。另外, seem 经常与 like 连用,意思是“似乎……;看上去像……”如:

it seems like a good idea.这似乎是个好主意。

二、doubt 不能确定;对……无把握。

展示】1. i doubt that the coat is sara’s. 我怀疑这件外套是萨拉的。

2. there is no doubt that you will h**e a good holiday in xi’an. 毫无疑问,你将在西安度过一个美好的假期。

总结】doubt 可以作动词,意思是“不能肯定;对……无把握”,如例1;doubt 也可以作名词,常见句型 there is no doubt that ..意思是“毫无疑问……”如例2。

三、solve 解决;处理。

展示】1. i don’t know how to solve these problems. 我不知道怎么样处理这些问题。

2. can you help me solve this maths problem? 你能帮我解答这个数学问题吗?

拓展】solve 可以作动词,意思是“解决;处理; 解答(难题)”,如例1 和例 2;它与短语 deal with 和 work out 同义。

四、fill ..with ..用……把……装满。

展示】1. she fills her bedroom with all kinds of toys. 她用各种各样的玩具装满了她的卧室。

2. my heart is filled with joy. 我内心充满了喜悦。

总结】fill ..with ..是一个动词短语,意思是“用……把……装满”,如例1;be filled with ..

意思是“装满了……”如例2,它与 be full of ..是同义词组,可互换,full 是形容词,两个词组后面连用的介词不能混淆。

五、make sure 确保;设法保证。

展示】1. make sure that you h**e finished all the work. 确保你已经完成了所有的工作。

2. go and make sure of the place and time. 去把时间和地点弄清楚。

总结】make sure 是一个动词短语,意思是“确保;设法保证”,如例1;make sure of 意思是“确保,把……弄清楚”,如例2,make sure of 后常跟名词、代词或者动名词。


1. .is ..isn’t ..


2. sb. doubts that ..


3. sth. seems adj. to do.


4. what a(n) .


5. i’ve never seen ..





反意疑问句又可称为“附加疑问句”,通常由“陈述句 + 附加问句”构成,用来核实情况或希望对方同意。


观察】1. li lei gets up at six o’clock every morning, doesn’t he?

2. they didn’t clean the classroom yesterday, did they?


肯定陈述句 + 否定附加疑问句,如例句1;

否定陈述句 + 肯定附加疑问句,如例句2。


观察】 you enjoy playing basketball, don’t you?

yes, i do. /no, i don’t.


肯定事实用“yes+ 肯定回答”;

否定事实用“no+ 否定回答”。


观察】1. please turn off the tv, will you?

2. let’s go to school, shall we?

3. i am a very kind girl, aren’t i?

4. he is never late for school, is he?

5. there are some books on the desk, aren’t there?

6. nobody knows about it, does he/do they?

7. something is wrong with my computer, isn’t it?


当陈述部分为祈使句时,附加问句部分通常用will you,如例句1;

当陈述部分以 let’s 开头,附加问句部分用 shall we,如例句2;

当陈述句部分是 i am,附加问句部分要用 aren’t i,如例句3;

当陈述句含有 no, never, little, few, hardly, seldom 等否定意义的词时,附加问句用肯定形式,如例句4;

当陈述句为there be 句型时,附加问句用“be 动词 +there”,如例句 5;

当陈述句的主语为指人的不定代词 everybody/ everyone,anybody/anyone,somebody/someone, nobody/no one 时,附加问句的主语用 he 或 they,如例句6;

当陈述句的主语为指物的不定代词 everything,anything,something,nothing 等时,附加问句的主语用 it,如例句7。



观察】1. i bought a pair of shoes yesterday.

2. jim doesn’t like reading books.

结论】由以上例句可知,陈述句用来说明事实、看法,描述动作、状态,阐明道理、原因等等,包括肯定句和否定句,如例句1 和例句2。


观察】1. is he mr green’s son?

2. what do you like to do in your free time?

3. who got first prize, lucy or lily?

4. you did your homework with linda, didn’t you?


一般疑问句需要将 be 动词,助动词或者情态动词放到句子最前面,如例句1;

特殊疑问句是需要使用相应的疑问词(组)(即 wh- 疑问词及 how)来提问的问句,如例句2;

选择疑问句,由“一般疑问句 / 特殊疑问句 +a or b”构成,选择部分由连词 or 连接,如例句3;



观察】1. please help me do the homework.

2. don’t smoke here.

结论】由以上例句可知,祈使句用来表示说话人的请求、命令、要求、建议等,有肯定和否定两种形式,如例句1 和例句2。


观察】1. what a lovely girl she is!

2. how delicious the food is!

结论】由以上例句可知,感叹句用来表示说话人的喜悦、气愤、惊讶等强烈的情绪,由 what 和 how 两种引导词引导,如例句1 和例句2。

unit 2


一、consider 认为;觉得。

展示】1. she considers herself a beautiful lady. 她认为自己是一位美丽的女士。

2. mary is considering going to france. 玛丽正在考虑去法国。

总结】consider 为动词,意为“认为;觉得”,常用结构 consider+ 宾语 + 宾补,如例句1; consider doing sth.意为“考虑做某事”,如例句2。

二、invitation 邀请。

展示】1. i got an invitation to visit my friend in japan. 我在日本的朋友邀请我去看他。

2. he invited me to go to his birthday party. 他邀请我去参加他的生日聚会。

总结】invitation 为名词,意为“邀请”,常用动词不定式作后置定语,如例句1;invitation 的动词形式是 invite,常用结构 invite sb. to do sth.,意为“邀请某人做某事”,如例句2。

三、**oid 避免;避开。

展示】1. you should **oid ****** mistakes in your homework. 你应该在作业中避免犯错误。


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