
发布 2022-07-25 22:21:28 阅读 5084



why is this dish so salty? has the cook sugar while cooking?


after the terrible earthquake, people calm to deal with all kinds of problems.


tom, how clever your mum is! she has turned the old clothes .


the singer next month's concerts because of his ill health.


for you to achieve success.

55.(1.5分)﹣ ***,好久不见,你能告诉我你去了**吗?


h**en't seen you for ages, mr. li! could you tell me ?

i went to xinjiang and stayed there for one year, teaching as a volunteer.


50.【解答】根据题干,可知需要翻译的是"误把盐当成糖 ",其英文表达方式是" mistake salt for sugar ",时态为现在完成时has+过去分词,结合句意:这个菜为什么这么咸,是不是厨师做菜时误把盐当成糖了?

故答案为 mistaken salt for.

51.【解答】根据题干,可知,考查句型h**e no choice but to do sth除了做某事别无选择.时态为一般过去时.结合句意:可怕的**刚过,人们除了保持冷静处理各种问题之外,别无他法.

故答案为 had no choice but to keep.

52.【解答】根据题干,可知考查句型turn…into把…做成…;toys of all shapes各种形状的玩具.时态为现在完成时has+过去分词.结合句意:汤姆,你妈妈真是太聪明了!她把旧衣服做成了各种形状的玩具.

故答案为into toys of all shapes.

53.【解答】根据题干,可知考查句型 be forced to do sth被迫做某事,时态为一般过去时;cancel her next month's concerts取消了她下个月的演唱会.结合句意:因为身体原因,那名歌手被迫取消了下个月的演唱会.

故答案为 was forced to cancel her.

54.【解答】与某人融洽相处get on/ along well with sb.,动词短语,make +宾语+宾补是固定句型,根据句意可知,要用一般现在时,此句是动名词短语做主语,当单数看待,谓语动词用三单形式,it是形式宾语,更容易easier,形容词比较级做宾补.

故答案为getting on/ along well with others/ other people makes it easier.

55.【解答】根据题干,可知考查where引导的宾语从句,时态为一般过去时,动词是go,结合句意:﹣ ***,好久不见,你能告诉我你去了**吗? ﹣我去新疆做了一年援疆教师.

故答案为 where you went.



why is this dish so salty? has the cook sugar while cooking?


after the terrible earthquake, people calm to deal with all kinds of problems.


tom, how clever your mum is! she has turned the old clothes .


the singer next month's concerts because of his ill health.


for you to achieve success.

55.(1.5分)﹣ ***,好久不见,你能告诉我你去了**吗?


h**en't seen you for ages, mr. li! could you tell me ?

i went to xinjiang and stayed there for one year, teaching as a volunteer.


50.【解答】根据题干,可知需要翻译的是"误把盐当成糖 ",其英文表达方式是" mistake salt for sugar ",时态为现在完成时has+过去分词,结合句意:这个菜为什么这么咸,是不是厨师做菜时误把盐当成糖了?

故答案为 mistaken salt for.

51.【解答】根据题干,可知,考查句型h**e no choice but to do sth除了做某事别无选择.时态为一般过去时.结合句意:可怕的**刚过,人们除了保持冷静处理各种问题之外,别无他法.

故答案为 had no choice but to keep.

52.【解答】根据题干,可知考查句型turn…into把…做成…;toys of all shapes各种形状的玩具.时态为现在完成时has+过去分词.结合句意:汤姆,你妈妈真是太聪明了!她把旧衣服做成了各种形状的玩具.

故答案为into toys of all shapes.

53.【解答】根据题干,可知考查句型 be forced to do sth被迫做某事,时态为一般过去时;cancel her next month's concerts取消了她下个月的演唱会.结合句意:因为身体原因,那名歌手被迫取消了下个月的演唱会.

故答案为 was forced to cancel her.

54.【解答】与某人融洽相处get on/ along well with sb.,动词短语,make +宾语+宾补是固定句型,根据句意可知,要用一般现在时,此句是动名词短语做主语,当单数看待,谓语动词用三单形式,it是形式宾语,更容易easier,形容词比较级做宾补.

故答案为getting on/ along well with others/ other people makes it easier.

55.【解答】根据题干,可知考查where引导的宾语从句,时态为一般过去时,动词是go,结合句意:﹣ ***,好久不见,你能告诉我你去了**吗? ﹣我去新疆做了一年援疆教师.

故答案为 where you went.

八、完成句子 (本大题共9分,每小题1.5分)

79. mistaken salt for

80. had no choice but to remain/keep

81. into toys in different shapes

82. was forced to cancel

83. getting on/along (well) with others makes it easier

84. where you h**e been


1. 最近几年里我们对乡村留守儿童的教育问题已经给予了很多关注。

wethe education problems of children left behind in village in recent years.

2. 几年后她的生活发生了变化,她被迫寄人篱下。

several years later, her life changed greatly. sheothers.

3. 看了这部纪录片你才会意识到这些贫困儿童正面临着多少问题。

you won’t realizeyou h**e watched the documentary.

4. 这对美国夫妇自第一次到鼋头渚后就爱上了它。

the american coupleturtle head isle since they visited it for the first time.

5. 杨绛被她的丈夫钱钟书视为最贤的妻,最才的女。

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