广州牛津版 英语九年级上册完成句子专题训练

发布 2022-08-08 19:06:28 阅读 5429


学号姓名。unit 1 必背短语和句型】

unit 2 必背短语和句型】

unit one & unit two 基础复习】



2.如果你们知道答案,请举手。 if you know the answer, please __your hands __

3.盯着别人看是不礼貌的it's impolite toothers.

4.自信是成功的关键。 self-confidence issuccess.

5.美国和英国在很多方面相似。americabritain in many ways.

6.我看见小偷正朝医院的方向跑去。 i saw the thief runningthe hospital.

7.事实上, 他只有20岁he's only 20 years old.

8.这场大雨使得我们不能出去野餐。 the he**y rainusout for a picnic.

9.在去超市的路上,他丢失了钱包the supermarket, he lost his wallet.

10.昨晚他们抢走了老人的手表。last night they __the old man __his watch.

11.你们已经为期末考做好准备了吗?h**e youthe final exam?

12.长大后,你们必须依靠自己。you mustyourselves after you grow up.

13.由于缺乏食物,孩子们都很瘦。the children are all very thin because of thefood.

14.你已经和医生预约好了吗?h**e youwith the doctor?

15.如果你想赚钱,就必须努力工作。if you want toyou must work hard.

16.昨天我去剪了头发。yesterday i

17.平均每个班有35个学生there are 35 students in each class.

18.首先,我们要确保您的安全we must make sure you are safe.

19.我们必须懂得如何照顾自己。we must know how toourselves.


they arebecause they won the singing competition.


1do you do your hair?

-- only once a month.

a. how farb. how soonc. how oftend. how long

2. jimmyhis computeryesterday. now it can work very well.

a. has, mended b. had, mended c. h**e, to mend d. had, mending

3. the school hall ismore than 1000 students.

a. enough large to holdb. large enough holding

c. enough large holdd. large enough to hold

4. i found __very difficult to make friends with him.

a. thatb. thisc. itd. him

5. he was __his speech competition because he didn’t get ready for it.

a. worry about b. worried about c. worried tod. worry with

6. she came to ask mesome food to the party.

a. remember to takeb. to remember to take

c. to remember takingd. remember taking

7. does her daughter preferto school toa bike?

a. walk, rideb. walking, riding c. to walk, riding d. to walk, ride

8. it’s impolite __others.

a. of him to stare atb. for him to stare

c. of him to stare tod. for him staring at

9. eatingwill also causediseases.

a. too much, too manyb. much too, many too

c. too many, too muchd. many too, much too

10. we don’t knowthe girl is interested in playing the piano or not.

a. ifb. thatc. whetherd. what

unit 3 必背短语和句型】

unit 4 必背短语和句型】

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