
发布 2023-06-16 20:55:28 阅读 9629


was made __

a. gob. gonec.

goingd. to saw the boy __out a moment runb. runsc.

how to rund. running

knew her very well. they had seen her __up from growb. grewc. growingd. to grow

of the people __to the party were famous invitedb. to invitedc. being invitedd.

television is a __machine.

a. newly-inventingb. newly-inventedc.

newly-inventd. workers are pouring __steel into the meltingb. meltedc.

meltd. being melted

grow-upb. growing-upc. grown-upd. grew-up

foreigner tried his best, but he still couldn't make his point __a. understandb. understandingc.

to understandd. understood9.-who were those people with the banners?

-a group __itself the league for callingb. callsc. calledd.

is called10. returning to the room, _

a. the book was lostb. i found the book missingc.

the book was missingd. i found the losing book11. if __green, the door might look more paintb.

paintedc. to paintd. painting12.

he never let himself __

a. cheatingb. be cheatedc.

being cheatedd. to be cheated13. "can't you read?

" mary said __to the notice.

a. angrily pointingb. and point angrilyc. angrily pointedd. and angrily pointing

14. dick made it __to all his to knowb. knownc. knowd. knowing

15. i had helen's brother __the windows, but helen had them __to clean;cleanedb. cleaned;cleanedc.

cleaning;cleanedd. clean;cleaned16. you'd better not h**e the light __all day burningb.

burnedc. to burnd. being burnt

17. _how to express the idea in english, he turned to the does not knowb. not knowingc.

knowing notd. not to know

18. on entering the office, i found mr. thompson __at the desk and __something.

a. seated;writeb. seated;writingc. seat;writed. seating;writing

19. please get someone __the washing machine. i want to get it __as soonas possible.

a. to repair;to be repairedb. repair;repairedc.

to repair;be repairedd. to repair;repaired20. _more time, he could h**e done the work much to be givenb.

to givec. givend. giving21.

the information __to me is of great broughtb. takenc. being takend.

being carried22. the building __next month will be a modern builtb. being builtc.

to be builtd. to built23. _mr.

thompson left the room.

a. drinking the coffeeb. had drunk the coffeec.

after drank the coffeed. h**ing drunk the coffee24. _afraid __behind, bill studied even harder than ever to be;of fallingb.

being;fallc. being;of fallingd. to be;to fall

25. _more attention, your dictation might h**e been done much to giveb. if givingc.

givingd. given26. _the cap, i couldn't help __our team leader.

a. to see;thinking ofb. on seeing;to think ofc.

seeing;thinking ofd. seeing;to think of27. would you like helen __you since you h**e some difficulties?

a. helpingb. to help

c. has helpedd. help

28. oliver climbed up the hill __swimming in the cold to gob. gonec. goingd. go

29. maria would not go to the party, as she had no fine dress, no jewelry __a. to showb.

shownc. showing offd. to show off30.

i saw him __behind the tree, satb. seatedc. seatingd.

seat31. what he said made us deeply __

a. moveb. movedc.

movingd. being moved32. i'm pleased to see the problem __so quickly.

a. settledb. h**ing been settledc.

be settledd. settle33. will you be able to attend the lecture __next week?

a. givingb. givenc.

to be givend. being given

34. _the meeting himself g**e them a great deal of the president will attendb. the president to attendc.

the president who attendingd. the president's attending35. _many times, but he still couldn't understand it.

a. h**ing been toldb. though he had been toldc.

he had been toldd. h**ing told36. walking down the street the other day, _

a. i saw unusual something happenedb. a terrible accident happenedc.

something unusual was seen by med. i saw a terrible accident37. _i don't like her sister.

a. telling the truthb. been told the truthc.

to tell the truthd. to tell the true38. we walked as fast as we could __to catch the hopingb.

to hopec. we hopedd. being hoped39.

_from the top of the hill, the lake is just like a h**ing seenb. seenc. to seed.

seeing40. _his homework, he went out to h**ing doneb. donec.

he has doned. he had done解析:


2.选a。see sb.


grow up表示动作已经结束;growing表示动作仍在进行。4.选a。




7.选c。grown-up作为一个形容词来使用,表示“成年的”。8.选d。make sth. done表示“使被”。

9.选a。主语是a group,因此把自己叫做和平组织的动作是主动的,用现在分词。



12.选b。let只能用动词原型作宾补;若表示被动,要用be done的形式。


14.选b。make sth.



16.选a。h**e sth.


not knowing是现在分词作原因状语。




21.选a。brought表示“被带来”;taken表示“被带走”。22.选c。to be built表示“将要被建设的”。

23.选d。h**ing done是现在分词的完成式,表示动作完成。

24.选c。be afraid of表示“害怕某种情况会发生”。


26.选c。can't help doing表示“情不自禁”。

27.选b。would like sb.

to do表示“想让某人做某事”。28.选a。

to go是不定式作目的状语。29.选d。

to show off是不定式作后置定语。30.选b。


32.选a。see sth.


to be given表示“将要举行”。

34.选d。the president's是动名词的逻辑主语,是动名词动作的执行者。



37.选c。to tell the truth是固定短语,表示“说实话”。


39.选b。主语是lake,因此用过去分词表示被动。40.选a。h**ing done是现在分词的完成式,表示动作完成。


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非谓语动词综合练习一。was made a.gob.gonec.goingd.to saw the boy out a moment runb.runsc.how to rund.running knew her very well.they had seen her up from growb.g...


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