六年级英语衔接练习 十 和 十六

发布 2023-06-05 04:49:28 阅读 6476




1. 选择合适的连词完成下列句子,每个连词限用一次。

(1) i h**e a sistera brother.

(2) i like swimming very muchmy mother doesn’t.

(3) he has a good diet(饮食he is very healthy.

(4) lucy likes wintershe likes to make snowmen.

(5) would you like noodlesbread for breakfast?

2. 填入适当的连词。

1) my brother is illi h**e to stay at home.

2) she felt hungryshe didn’t h**e breakfast.

3) he has a lot of moneyhe spends little.

3. 阅读理解。

alan is an english boy. now he studies in shanghai yucai middle school. he is in grade seven.

he has a dog. it's black and white. the dog's very clever.

alan likes it very much. its f**eorite food is bone (骨头). every day when alan gets home, the dog meets him in front of the house.

alan's friend, jenny is an american girl. she is in shanghai, too. they are in the same grade.

but in different classes. she has a pet panda. it's also a black and white, but it's not a real (真正的) panda.

it's a toy. the panda is very clean. jenny often washes it in water.

where is the panda now? oh, it's sleeping (睡觉) with jenny. every night it sleeps with jenny.

) 1. where is alan from?

a. englandb. americac. canada

) 2. what`s alan`s pet dog`s f**orite food?

a. fishb. meatc. bone

) 3. what grade is jenny in?

a. sevenb. eightc. nine

) 4. what does the dog do when alan gets home from school?

a. it sleeps with him

b. it meets him in front of the house

c. it runs with him.

) 5. what animal is black and white according to the passage (根据文章)?

a. catb. dogc. panda and dog





1.选出你所听到的音标 (10×2’=20分)

二.选出你听到的单词音标 (5×2’=10分)

三、 选出下列单词的音标(10×2’=20分)


五. 看音标写单词 (10×2’=20分)

六.找出画线部分读音不同的单词 (10×2’=20分)

) 1. a. teab. meatc. weather d. beach

) 2. a. warm b. gardenc. marketd. party

) 3. a. bus b. rulerc. duckd. cup

) 4. a. push b. func. sund. uncle

) 5. a. likeb. lionc. pizzad. friday

) 6. a. meb. legc. bedd. get

) 7. a. clock b. hotc. god. sock

) 8. a. cakeb. catc. andd. apple

) 9. a. cityb. classc. cookd. coat

) 10. a. thank b. thinkc. thisd. thin

音标练习1i. 读出下列元音,每个1分,共2分:

/iii. 读出下列音标,每个1分,共18分:

iii. 读出下列音标,每个2分,共20分:

/ p iv. 两次合成,读出下列音标词,每个2分,共20分:

/p v. 读出下列音标词,每个2分,共20分:


vi. 辨音: 读出下列各组音标,每组4分,共20分。

音标练习2i. 读出下列元音,每个1分,共2分:

ii. 读出下列音标,每个1分,共18分:

iii. 读出下列音标,每个2分,共20分:

/b f z


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