
发布 2023-04-24 10:26:28 阅读 7695

unit 9what’s the best radio station?


a 舒适的安逸的___电影院近的___剧院___




b 离…近 __电台质量最好的服装最。

热情的服务最舒适的座位 __对……进行调查一场才艺表演在华南在冬天___



1 最好的电台是哪家? what’s the

2 我的妹妹是我认识的最滑稽的人。 my sister isi know .

3 上周的才艺展示取得了巨大成功。

last week’s talent show was

4 他在没有**的情况下跳舞。 he

他没有说一句话就出去了。 he went out

5 游客需要穿暖和的衣服。

6 一晚上200元就足够了。 about 200 yuan


1 形容词最高级的构成及用法。

2. 用所给词的正确形式填空。

1. yu fei is one of the bestact ) in our class.

sister isabel is the __funny) person in my family.

3. it is thecreative) music video.

4 his sister can play the piano verygood), though she’s only seven.

5. it’s great to be a great man, but it’s muchgreat) to be a true man.

6. of all the students in our class, peter talkslittle) but does most.

7 doctor, i feel even __ill) after i had the medicine you g**e me.

8 the___cheap)the better. i need money, you know.

9 fish can’t livewith) water


)1. beijing is larger than __city in japan.

a. any other b. any c. other d. the other

)2. guangzhou is __the south of zhejiang and __the south of china.

a. to; in b. in; in c. in; to d. to; to

)3. if you take more __you’ll soon get___

a. exercises; thinner b. exercise; thinner c. exercises; thin d. exercise; thin

)4. he __to clean the classroom today, because he isn’t on duty today.

a. needn’t b. doesn’t need c. not need d. need

)5、--i won the game last week

a. nothing important b. that’s all c. congratulations to you.

)6、--which do you prefer, orange juice or coke?

-__thanks. i'd like just a cup of tea.

a. both b. neither c. none

)7、if you stay at school this sunday, i __go anywhere, _

a. won't, either b. will, too c. won't. also

)16、he __the prize __the running this year.

a. made, on b. got, about c. won, for


the clock struck(敲)eight, but i was still on the bed. i could hear it was blowing strongly. “it must be windy outside,” i thought.

i came to the small town a week ago. i sold some clothes to a shop. christmas was coming and i hoped to buy some presents for my family and friends.

so i tried to meet the manager and asked him to pay for them. i was out of luck. he went to london and i had to wait for him here.

there was no theatre here but a cinema. the films were all too old. 3 i preferred staying in the small hotel to sitting in the cold cinema.

half an hour later, i felt hungry. i had to get up. it was white everywhere and some children were skiing down the hill.

4 on my way to the small restaurant, i saw a boy fall onto a rock. i ran to him quickly and carried him to a hospital.

soon his parents came here. now i knew the boy was just the manager’s son. he thanked me very much and g**e me the money after we had a dinner.

阅读上面短文, 回答问题。

1. what was the weather like today?

2. what did the write come to the town for?



5. why did the manager thanks the write?

unit 10 it`s a nice day,isn`t it?


1 穿过(v)__prep)__n)__低的___adv)__交通___婴儿___pl)__短信___迷___慢的___adv)__little(比较级)__最高级。

2 浏览___出现发生 __相处___至少___


1. 有时候在学校里做一名新生是不容易的。

sometimes itthe new kid at school.

2. 你觉得这个学校怎么样the school?

3. 谢谢你邀请我参加你的聚会。

4. 谢谢你带我参观你的学校。__forthe school.

5. 你和你的朋友们相处的如何?

your friends?

6. 我想现在是集体的一部分了。ithe group now.

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