深圳七年级 上 期中考试英语试卷附答案

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考试时间: 90 分钟满分:100分

考试范围: chapters 1--5


i、听力测试 (25 points,1到15小题每题1分,16到20小题每题2分)

a. 听句子,选择相应的**。念一遍。(e用ab代替涂卡)

b. 听句子,选择正确答语。念一遍。

6. a. once a monthb. on sunday. c. by bus.

7. a. englishb. fourc. mr. li.

8. a. he is 20 years old. is in beijing. c. he is a driver

9. a. to a post officeb. to a hospital. c. to a company.

10. a. no, thanksb. yes, pleasec. good idea!

c. 听短文,完成句子。念两遍。

11. joan is a student in __

a. class 2. grade 7 b. francec. no. 5 middle school

12. joan gets up __in the morning.

a. at 5:30b. at 6:00c. at 7:40

13. joan likes to h**e __for breakfast

a. eggs and milk b. bread and milk c. bread and eggs

14. joan usually goes to school __

a. by busb. by bikec. on foot

15. joan begins to __at 7:00 in the evening.

a. do some exercise b. h**e supperc. do her homework

d. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文念两遍。(本题2分一题)

16. what day is it today?

a. mondayb. tuesday c. sunday

17. where does the new english teacher come from?

a. hkb. englandc. tokyo

18. how many new classmates does the speaker(说话的人) h**e?

a. twob. three c. four

19. where does helen come from?

a. chicago(芝加哥) b. britain(英国) c. shenzhen

20. where does helen sit?

a. behind the speaker

b. in front of the speaker

c. at the back of the classroom

ii、 词汇、语法和结构。(20 points)


)21. singing is my f**ourite hobby.

a. the thing i should do b. the thing i must do

c. the thing i like doing d. the thing don’t like doing

) teacher says “class is over”, when the bell rings.

a. is quietb. begins

c. makes a sound d. has a break

) always goes to school on foot, as his house is close to it.

a. oftenb. sometimes

c. neverd. seldom

) must complete your homework before you go out to play.

a. takeb. choose

c. finishd. find

) is very dry and cold in winter, so you had better stay at home.

a. dangerousb. not wet

c. windyd. snowy


( )26. —is it __beautiful picture?

—yes. _picture is from america.

a. a; ab. the; the

c. the; ad. a; the

) at millie. is a student. hair is black.

a. she, she b. she, her

c. her, her d. her, she

)28.--can you tell me the answer __the question?

---sorry, i don’t know.

a inb of

c. ond. to

)29is her daughter?

— the girl on the right wearing blue jeans.

a. whoseb. what

c. whichd. where

)30. —is your english teacher friendly?

yes. she’s __mad (生气的) at us.

a. alwaysb. usually

c. oftend. never

) weekends, my father loves __hills but my mother likes __at home.

a. climb, stayb. climbing, staying

c. climb, staying d. climbing, stay

( )32. does zhen hui __her teeth and __her face at 7:00

a. brushes; washes b. brushes; wash

c. brush; washes d. brush; wash

)33. people are beginning to s**e __these days.

a. energyb. energies

c. pollutiond. pollutions

)34. —we must __forests __fire.

you’re right.

a. provide; with b. provide; for

c. protect; from d. protect; with

) aren’t maps in the classroom, but there are pictures.

a. some; any b. some; some

c. any; some d. any; any

)36. i often h**e __before meals.

a. a soupb. some soups

c. a bowl of soupd. two bowls of soups

)37. —boys and girls, we’ll h**e a three-day holiday next week.

great. what __news!

a. excitingb. bad

c. interestingd. excited

)38. there a teacher and three boys over there.


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