
发布 2023-04-22 08:09:28 阅读 8323



listening test part(20分)

一 .听句子,选择与内容相符的**序号。(5分)

二。听句子,找出你在句子中听到的单词或短语。(读两遍) (5分)

6. a. vcdb. cdc. dv

spellb. schoolc. sorry

8. a. grandmotherb. grandparentc. grandfather

9. a. whatb. what’sc. watch

10. a. uncleb. auntc. son


11. a. hi, maryb. nice to meet you , too. c. how are you

12. a. m—a—r—y, mary. b. yes, i canc. no, i can’t

13. a.356118b. 256437c.8754120.

14. a. she is my mother. an applec. they are my brothers..

15. a. blackb. brownc. white



16. what is this in english?

a. a chinese book. b. an english book c. a math book.

17. whose(谁的) book is it?

a. tony’sb. jane’sc. mary’s


18. what is the father’s name?

a. jack b. gina c. tom

is the sister’ name?

a. jenny b. gina c. tom

does tim like?

a. football b. basketball c. baseball

written test part(80分)


21. that is __egg.

a. abc. an

22. 代表“英国广播公司”的是:__

a. cctvb. bbcc. nba

23.--is that a pencil

a. that isb. yes, that isc. yes, it is.


a. what’s this in english b. how do you spell it c. what’s that

call me __289-6578

a. inb. forc. at

25your phone number? -it’s 87667895

a. where’sb. what’sc. what

26.__name is zhen mei? what is __name?

a. i; youb. my; your

27. -are these your english books? -yes

a. they’reb. they arec. these are

and i __cousins

a. amb. isc. are

29.--is this youryes, she is.

a. cousinb. brotherc. father

30.--your english is very good

a. no, it isn’tb. yes, it isc. thank you.


this boy is peter smith. his_31_name is peter. his_32_name is smith.

this is33school. his school_34_number is 20048567. his teacher is miss white.

miss white35_a good teacher. li min is a chinese boy. li min is his good_36at school.

look! _37_ a pencil. is the pencil_38_.

i_39_ know. let’s_40_li min at 495-6548.

)31. a. firstb. familyc. last

)32. a. firstb. goodc. last

)33. a. you b. thatc. his

)34. a. computer b. namec. id card

)35. a. no b. notc. is

)36. a. father b. friendc. boy

)37. a. what’s b. this’sc. that’s

)38. a. li min b. li min’sc. li min is

( )39. a. don’t b. isn’tc. am not

)40. a. ask b. callc. write



) 41the watch is mike’s.

) pencil is red.

) 43. dale’s telephone number in 291-3458.

) is looking for (在寻找) his english book.

) telephone number is 529-7018.


look at this. it’s a blue bag. it is my bag.

what’s in it? look, this is my english book. it’s blue, too.

my chinese book is also in my bag. it is yellow. this is my pencil box.

it’s big and nice. i like english and chinese. my bag is my good friend.


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