
发布 2023-04-20 08:46:28 阅读 5129

unit 1 ****** new friends

topic 1 welcome to china!

the main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3a。

. teaching aids 教具。


. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案。

step 1 introduction 第一步介绍(时间:6分钟)


step 2 presentation 第二步呈现(时间:9分钟)


1. (运用真实情境,让学生学会如何与他人简单地打招呼。)


t: hello!




t: hello!




t: please look at us and see how we are greeting. then you can use your names to greet each other.


t: hi, li lei!

s2: hi, mr./miss××.

s3: hi, zhang hua!

s4: hi, chen jun!

s5: hello, zhou jie!

s6: hello, zheng hua!


t: good morning!


ss: good morning!


让学生猜测good morning!的意思,教师给予提示:早上见面问好可用good morning!代替hello!师生互动操练good morning!)

教师让学生用自己的真实姓名互动操练hi!/hello!/good morning!)

s7: hi! s8.

s8: hi! s7.

s9: hello! s10.

s10:hello! s9.

s11:good morning! s12.

s12:good morning! s11.


2. (用投影仪或教学挂图出示1a,图中康康在接机大厅接人,三个外国学生刚下飞机。问学生:他们之间应该怎样打招呼呢?)

ss: hi!/hello!/good morning!


t: good morning! welcome to china!

ss: good morning! thank you./thanks.(帮助学生回答。)



3. (**1a录音, 让学生跟读, 注意模仿语音语调。)

t: listen to the tape and follow. pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

4. (出示四个小主人公的人物图,让学生认识他们,并教学生读kangkang, michael, jane,


step 3 consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:12分钟)


1. (1)(教学i’m … are you …?yes, i am./no, i’m not.)

教师找两名男生和两名女生分别扮演kangkang, michael, jane, maria。分别教他们说i’m kangkang. i’m michael.

i’m jane. i’m maria. 引出i’m=i am.

再问are you …?yes, i am./ no, i am not.



t: hi!/hello! i’m … 教师手指着自己,并引导学生作自我介绍。)

s1: hi!/hello! i’m wu san. (s1站起来。)

s2: hi!/hello! i’m wang xiang. (s2站起来。)

s3: hi!/hello! i’m wei hua. (s3站起来。)


t: i’m … are you wei hua?

s3: yes, i am.(学生点头,这时教师引导学生作答。)

t: i’m … are you li feng?

s2: no, i’m not. i’m wang xiang.


2)(再找来一名学生s4,教学nice to meet you. nice to meet you, too.的情景用法。板书重点句子。)


t: hello! i’m … are you liu siyang?

s4: no, i’m not. i’m wendy.

t: oh, nice to meet you, wendy.

s4: nice to meet you, too.(教师引导学生作答。)


2. (**3a录音,让学生跟读,注意模仿语音语调并进行人机对话。完成3a。)

t: listen to the tape and repeat. pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, please.

then practice the dialog with the tape. (教师给以适当汉语提示。)

3. (让学生自由组合操练1a和3a,然后两人一组上讲台表演。进行小组竞赛,巩固1a和3a所学内容。完成3b。)

t: practice a dialog according to 1a and 3a in pairs, then act it out. (教师给以适当汉语提示。)

s1:good morning!

s2:good morning!

s1:i’m … are you …?

s2:yes, i am.

s1:nice to meet you.

s2:nice to meet you, too.

s1:welcome to china!

s2:thanks./thank you.

4. (再让学生四人一组上台表演打招呼和作自我介绍。)

t: act out the dialog with your own names.

s3: hi!

s4: hi!

s3: i’m … are you …?

s4: yes, i am.

s3: hello! are you …?

s5: no, i’m not. i’m …

s3: nice to meet you.

s5: nice to meet you, too.

s3: hi! are you …?

s6: yes, i am.

s3: welcome to china!

s6: thanks./thank you.板书设计:

the main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3a。

. teaching aids 教具。


. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案。

step 2 presentation 第二步呈现(时间:8分钟)


1. (放1a录音,让学生结合挂图了解1a对话的大致内容,必要时可放两遍。)

2. (再放1a录音,让学生跟读并模仿语音语调,然后找两位同学一起对话表演。)

t: listen to 1a again and repeat, and imitate the pronunciation and intonation. then practice the dialog with me.

s1:good morning, miss wang!

t: good morning, s1!

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