仁爱英语七年级上全册功能句子语法句子英译汉 汉译英

发布 2023-03-09 05:40:28 阅读 6921

unit 1 ****** new friends

topic 1 welcome to china!good morning!早上好!

welcome to china!欢迎来到中国!thank you.


oh, nice to meet you, jane.哦。很高兴见到你,简。

nice to meet you, too.我也很高兴见到你。 is my mom.

布朗先生,这是我的妈妈。how do you do?你好!

how do you do?你好!

topic 2 where are you from?excuse me, are you jane?打扰一下,你是简吗?yes, i yourname,please ?

是的,我是。请问,你叫什么名字?my name is are youfrom?

我的名字是莎丽。你来自**?i’m from you fromcanada, too?

我来自加拿大。你也来自加拿大吗?no, i’m not.不,我不是。

topic 3 how old are you ?how old are you?我今年12岁。你多大了?i’m twelve, too.我也12岁。

what class are you in?你在哪个班级?i’m in class four, grade seven.我在七年级四班。

excuse me,what’s this in english?打扰一下,这个用英语怎么表达。

呢?it’s an eraser.它是一个橡皮擦。how do you spell it?怎么拼写呢?e-r-a-s-e-r, eraser.

e-r-a-s-e-r, ok.没事。

what’s that in english, jane?简,这个用英语怎么说?it’s a map.

它是一幅地图。you’re welcome.没关系。

unit 2 looking different看起来不。

一样。topic 1 i h**e a small h**e a small nose, but he has a bigone.


do you h**e big eyes?你有大大的眼睛吗?yes, you are right.是的,你猜对了。

micheal, who is your f**ouriteactor?

迈克,谁是你最喜欢的男演员?i come from england.我来自英格兰。

i h**e a round face and small eyes.我有一张圆脸和小小的眼睛。we are in the same school, but indifferent grades.


topic2 what does she look like?but you look the same.但你们看上去很像。

we don’t look the same, but we’regood friends, too!


please give this letter to maria.请将这封信交给玛丽娜。what does she look like?

她长像怎么样?oh, i see.哦,我知道了。

what color is that t-shirt ?那件t恤是什么颜色呢?it’s red.是红色的。

what color are those shoes ?那些鞋子是什么颜色呢?they’re green.他们是绿色的。

the girl in a yellow dress is maria.穿黄色裙子的是玛丽娜。she is tall.她很高。

he is in a black cap and blue shoes.他戴着一顶黑色的帽子,穿着蓝色的鞋子。

the boy next to me is my goodfriend, micheal.


topic3 whose cap is it?whose cap is it, then?那这顶帽子是说的?

it’s sally’s.是莎丽的。that’s ok.没关系。

i think it’s kangkang’s.我想它是康康的。

we look the same, but we are indifferent clothes.


please help us find him.请帮助我们找到他。

unit 3 getting togethertopic 1 does he speak chinese ?

excuse me, could you please tell meyour name?


do you like chinese?你喜欢中文吗?

yes, i do. i like it very much. couldyou help me with it?

是的。我很喜欢中文。你能帮我提高中文吗?no problem.没问题。

does he speak chinese?他讲中文吗?

no, he doesn’t.不,他不讲。

he wants to visit beijing.他想浏览北京。i like it a little.我一点点喜欢。

we are good friends and we helpeach other.


topic 2 what does your mother

do?glad to meet you, too.

kangkang, what does your motherdo?

康康,你的妈妈从事什么工作呢?she is a teacher.她是一名教师。

what does your parents do?你的父母是从事什么工作呢?they are office workers.

他们是办公室职员。she is a nurse.她是一名**。

where does she work?她在**工作?she works in a hospital.

她在一家医院工作。where does he work?他在**工作呢?

he works in a restaurant.他在一家酒楼工作。he works in a hospital.他在一家医院上班。

topic 3 what would you like to


help yourselves!随便吃!

what do you usually h**e forbreakfast, micheal?迈克,你经常早餐吃什么?i usually h**e milk and bread forbreakfast.

我经常早餐喝牛奶吃面包。would you like to h**e dinner withme?

你愿意和我一起共进晚餐吗?yes, i’d like to.很乐意。

may i help you, sir?先生,有什么可以帮到您呢? would you like to eat ?

是的。你想吃点什么?let me see.


why not h**e some fish and eggs?为什么不尝一点鱼和鸡蛋?good idea!

好主意!help yourself to some fish.随便吃点鱼。here you are.给你。

would you like something to drink?你要喝点什么?no,thanks.不用,谢谢!

unit 4 h**ing fun

topic1what can i do for you?what can i do for you, madam?有什么可以帮到你,小姐?

i want to buy some clothes for mydaughter.

我想给我女儿买些衣服。not at all.不客气。may i help you?

有什么可以需要帮忙的吗?yes, please. i like the red coat. can itry it on?


当然。wow! it looks very nice on much is it?


that’s fine. we’ll take it.好的。我们买了。

jane, what do you think of thisyellow skirt?


oh, i don’t like it at aboutthe blue one?


mu, how much is it ?嗯。多少钱呢?

are you kidding? i’ll think about you all the same.


could you help me do someshopping, ben?

本,你能帮我买点东西吗?how much rice do we need?你们需要多少大米呢?

one bag of rice. oh, we don’t h**eany milk.

一袋大米。哦,我们没有牛奶了。how many bottles?要多少牛奶呢?

six bottles.六罐。is that all?就那些吗?yes, i think so.我想是的。that’s right.对了。

topic 2 would you like to cook withus?

this is kangkang.这是康康。

are you free this sunday?你这周周日有空吗?yes. what’s up?是的。怎么了。

would you like to go to the westhill for a picnic?你愿意去西山野炊吗?oh, i’d love to.

哦。我很愿意。see you then.

到时见。see you.再见。

would you like to sing some songswith me, kangkang?

康康,你愿意和我唱几首歌吗?i’m sorry i can’t. i h**e to cook.

抱歉不能。我要做饭。would you like to cook with us?你愿意和我们一起做饭吗?yes, i’d love to.是的。我很乐意。

micheal, how about flying a kitewith me?

迈克,和我一起放风筝怎么样?i’d like that, but i’m sorry i h**eno time. i h**e to get some water.


would you like to h**e a picnic withmr. cooper?

你愿意和库伯先生一起野炊吗?yes, i’d love to.是的。我很乐意。

thanks. that would be very nice.谢谢!那样太好了。

what about h**ing a picnic with

和库伯先生一起野炊怎么样?i’d like that, thanks.我很愿意,谢谢!

we take drinks like milk andorange juice.

我们带上饮料,例如牛奶和橙汁。topic 3 what time is it now?do you h**e any time tomorrow?

你明天有空吗?yes. what’s up?


let’s meet at 9 o’clock at my home.我们九点在我家见面。what time is it now?

现在几点了?it’s 9 o’clock.九点。

it’s time to go to the zoo.去动物园的时间到了。 go.


they’reso kind and they h**e longnoses.


mm, it’s half past eleven.嗯,十一点半。it’s time to go home.

到回家的时间了。i can’t find my way home.我找不到回家的路。

let me help you.让我帮助你吧。it’s very kind of you.

你真是太热心了。thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。


unit 1 new friends topic 1 welcome to china!good morning!早上好!welcome to china!欢迎来到中国!thank you.谢谢。hello!你好!oh,nice to meet you,jane.哦。很高兴见到你,简。nice to...


unit 1 new friends topic 1 welcome to china!good morning!早上好!welcome to china!欢迎来到中国!thank you.谢谢。hello!你好!oh,nice to meet you,jane.哦。很高兴见到你,简。nice to...


unit 1 new friends topic 1 welcome to china the main activities are 1a,2a and 3a.本课重点活动是1a,2a和3a。teaching aids 教具。投影仪 教学挂图 录音机 字母卡片 小黑板。five finger te...