
发布 2023-04-20 08:31:28 阅读 9224

人教版七年级英语(上)starter 2单元测试题。



一。 在你所听到的字母或单词后面写“t”(10分)

1. ggjj2. iirr

3. pp. aabb (

5. mmnn6. jacketthis (

7. thatthis8. whatwhat’s (

9. quiltspell10. it’sit (

二。 听句子,选择相应的图画。(10分)

) 1. abc

) 2. abc

) 3. abc

) 4. abc

) 5. abc

三。 听对话,回答问题 (10分)


) 1. who’s the girl?

a. she’s alex. b. she’s alan. c. she’s alice.

) 2. what’s the boy’s name?

a. frankb. frenkc. franc


) 3. 请找出对话中提到过的三件物品:

a. a map, a key, a ruler b. a quilt, a jacket, a pen c. a map, a jacket, a pen

) 4. 请找出对话中提到过的两人物:

a. dale, alexb. dale, ericc. helen, alice

) 5. 请找出人物和物品归属表示正确的一组搭配:

a. dale-map, alice-pen b. dale-pen, eric-jacket c. helen-jacket, alic-pen


一。 .默写从aa到mn的字母大小写(13分)

二。 根据句意和图画或首字母提示完成单词拼写(每小题1分,共8分)

1. it’s a r2. it’s a k .

3. it’s j4. it’s an o .

5. what’s this in e___

6. can you s___it, please?

7. and w___this?

8. sit down, p___

三。 选择最佳答案 (12分)

) 1. this is __pen. it’s __english pen.

a. a…anb. a…ac. an…and. an…a

) 2. what’s this? _a quilt.

a. this’sb. this isc. it’sd. its

) 3. what’s this in __english?

a. anb. ac. thed./

) 4. “i”和“o”是___

a. 元音b. 辅音c. 元音字母d. 辅音字母。

) 5. -your jacket is nice.

a. thank youb. yes, it’s nice c. that’s okd. no, it isn’t

) 6. 与单词“eye”同音的字母是___

a. rrb. iic. ttd. aa

) 7. 如果你想问一个美国朋友手中所拿物件的英文名称,你应该说___

a. how do you dob. how do you spell it?

c. what’s this in englishd. how are you?

) 8. 听见对方说了“fine, thank you. and you?”后,你应该说___

a. thank youb. i’m fine, tooc. and youd. are you ok?

) 9. 下列字母都是元音的一组是___

a. a, e, i, kb. e, i, o, nc. a, i, o, jd. a, e, i, o

---it’s a q.

a. what’s this b. what color is it c. how are you d. this is what

) 11are you, helen? -i’m ok, thanks.

a. how b. how c. whatd. what

) 12. -what do you want to be in the future, nick?(2011,河北)

i want to be __pilot(飞行员),it is __exciting(令人激动的,兴奋的) job.

a. a, ab. a, anc. the, and. a, the

四。 从括号中选出适当的单词填空。(5分)

1. this is (an, a) orange.

2. it (is, are) black and white.

3. how are (i, you)?

4. tom is my (fine, good)friend.

5. wellit’s, it)a blue quilt.

五。 完形填空(10分)

_1__ morning, everyone. 2 grace. look.

this is a 3 . it's a nice quilt. what __4__ is it?

5 yellow and white. and 6 this in english? it's 7 .

it's 8 jacket. that’s a ruler. 9 ruler is 10 .

) 1. a. goodb. goodc. every

) 2. a. it'sb. i'mc. hi

) 3. a. mapb. penc. quilt

) 4. a. colorb. thisc. quilt

) 5. a. itsb. isc. it's

) 6. a. howb. what'sc. what

) 7. a. a jacketb. jacketc. an jacket

) 8. a. orangeb. a orangec. an orange

) 9. a. anb.

) 10. a. blueb. bluec. a blue

六。 补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)。


a: hi, alice! how are you?

b: 1 a: i’m ok.

b: what’s this in english?

a: 2 b: good. 3

a: r-u-l-e-r.

b: 4 a: it’s an orange.

b: can you spell it?

a: yes. 5

七。 阅读理解(每小题1分,共10分)。


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