七年级上册语法选择 完形填空

发布 2023-04-20 05:04:28 阅读 8659



a day at school

i am a junior high school student. i love going to school.

my school is 1 to my home, so i always go to school 2 . classes start at 8 a. m.

,and i am seldom 3 my f**ourite subject 4 geography. i enjoy 5 about different places in the world.

in 6 morning, we usually study chinese, maths 7 english. we h**e 8 morning break at 9: 50 a.

m. 9 the bell rings, i run to the playground with my best friends tom and jack. we often play games.

break 10 at 10: 10 a. m.

11 short it is!

lunch is from 11:50 a. m.

to 12: 30 p. m.

afternoon classes end 12 3:30 then tom, jack and i take part in the school band 13 . we 14 great music together.

i always 15 a good time at school.

)1. a. closedb. closingc. close d. to close

)2. a. in footb. by footc. on foot d. at foot

)3. a. lateb. latelyc. latest d. later

)4. a. areb. wasc. wered. is

)5. a. to learnb. learntc. leams d. learning

)6. a. anb. ac. thed. /

)7. a. andb. butc. ord. nor

)8. a. ourselvesb. oursc. ourd. us

)9. a. becauseb. whenc. ifd. though

)10. a. was ending b. endedc. endsd. end

)11- a. howb. whatc. what a d. how an

)12. a. inb. withc. ond. at

)13. a. practicesb. practicec. practise d. practised

)14. a. ******b. makec. to make d. had made

)15. a. hasb. hadc. h**ing d. h**e,二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)


one day i tr**elled in space. first i went to jupiter(木星). after __16__,i h**e to put on my spacesuit to get __17__ because it was so cold there!

there was no air, so i didn't think jupiter was a _18__ place to live on. then i went to mars(火星). mars is close to earth.

it is my __19__ planet because it is small and red. i stayed there for 2 hours. i went to neptune(海王星) because it is blue.

it is even __20__ than jupiter. everything __21__ blue there. later i went to saturn(土星) because it is my __22__ f**ourite planet.

he thinks the rings are nice. i was a little tired, so i made a _23__ trip to uranus(天王星). i flew around it.

i used my __24__ to take some photos when i went to pluto(冥王星). my __25__ almost froze(结冰). when i was on my way home, i saw asia, europe and america.

oh, earth, my sweet home, i love you!



1,c close to 固配。

2,c on foot 固配。

3,a 迟到 a lately 最近的,近来。

4,d my f**ourite subject 是单数叙述爱好用一般现在时。

5,d enjoy 后只接动词ing形式。

6,c 在早晨 in the morning 固配。

7,a 并列关系所以用and

8,c 名词前面用形容词性的物主代词修饰。

9,b 当钟声响了,我们操场。用when

10,c 三单现。动词用三单现形式。

11,a 感叹句。how 接形容词。

12,d 时刻前面用at

13,b 参加乐队练习。用名词 practice 名词。 practice 动词。

14,b 谓语动词。现在时态。用原形。

15,d 谓语动词。现在时态。用原形。


16,d 太空飞船着陆用land 恰当。

17,b 从后文可以看出。because it was so cold there 天气冷,用暖和。

18,d 没有空气又冷。所以木星不是居住的好地方。

19, a 最喜欢的。

20, c even 前面提到木星冷。所以这里更冷。

21, c 看起来蓝色的。用看起来符合题意。

22,b 从后文he 知道。只能选b

23, b 有点累。所以快速到达天王星。

24,a 拍照,用相机。

25,d 前文提及。

七年级上册语法选择 完形填空

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