
发布 2023-04-18 15:11:28 阅读 5361

五年级英语unit 1测试题(100分)


) a. i b. e c. y

) a. ei b. o

) e a. or




5.回来。a good time

on the in the basket


)1. why are you so sad ? thank you.

) are my gloves ? i do.

) you h**e any cakes ? i can’t go to the party.

) does sam go to school? are on the bed.

) does mike h**e? goes to school on foot.

) i go to school on foot ? you can’t.

) do you live? has a pot.

) he an american? read stories at home.

) do you do at weekends ? he is.

) are you? live near school.


)1are you so sad? —because i can’t go to the party.

a. what b. why c. how

) a party __thehouse.

a. at , prince b. on , prince’s c. at , prince’s

) go now.

a. put on b. try on c. h**e to

) on the t-shirt but it __fit.

a. try , doesn’t b. trys , don’t c. tries, doesn’t

)5. this pair of shoes is beautiful. cinderella tries __

a. them on b. on them c. it on

)6. there___a glass of water and three bottles of milk on the table.

a. am c. are

)7. why __you so happy now ?

a. do b. are c. don’t

)8. cinderella __a good time at the party.

a. h**e b. has c. h**ing

)9. he always __to school on foot.

b. go c. going

)10. i don’t h**e __new clothes..

a. a b. any


and help __i), please.

don’t h**esome) nice clothes or shoes.

puts on the newcloth) and shoes.

h**e to __go) home now.

on the new shoes.

can’t i __go) to the party ?

likes __ride) it in the park.

___be) a christmas tree and some presents here.

music room is on the __two) floor .

yang and i __come) to school by bus.


1.i h**e some nice clothes. (改为否定句)

ih**enice clothes.

tries on the new clothes.(改为一般疑问句)

___sheon new clothes ?

i can’t you go to the party.(对划线部分提问)

___can’t___go to the party?

4. my father comes back before 10 o’clock.(对划线部分提问)

___does your father___back?, me, help , can , come , and (?连词成句)



there is a __at thehouse.


many girlsthe shoe.


because these mushroomsfor us !


i __to __now.


please comeeleven o’clock.


dear kate,how are you? i’m writing to you in my school. this school is great!

there are nine hundred students in my school. i like the teachers. the other students are very friendly(友好的).

i learn chinese from them. there is a small river(河) behind our school. the water is clean.

we can swim in it. there are no classes on sundays. i am at home and watch tv.

my father and my mother go to shops on sundays. they all like china. i can speak(说) chinese now.

i can write my name in chinese. please write to me soon!


)1. lucy is at home now.

)2. there are 900 students in lucy’s school.

)3. there is a small river behind her school.

)4. the students can’t swim in the river.

)5. lucy’s parents go shopping on sundays.


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