
发布 2020-10-27 09:25:28 阅读 2323


1.吃晚饭2.在晚上3.起床4.什么时候5.通常 to


the books二、选出正确的答句。

) do you do? welcome() time is it? 7:30()三、练线。

grandparentsa.爬山 weekendb.去购物 mountainsc.弹钢琴 bookd.拜访祖父母。

the pianoe.去运足 shoppingf.在周末 the weekendg.读书 hikingh.每个周末。


do you do在周末)?做早操). often去购物).

i去散步). often踢足球).去上舞蹈课).











六、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(10分)( 1. a.

music b. face c. arm( )2.

b. play ) 3. b.

class c start( )4. c. what( )5.

a. dinner b. shop c.


down() wow() mountain( )八、根据意思,完成句子。(10分)

1. i吃早饭)at 6:00 in the morning.

2. do youart上…课)on monday?3.

we __morning做早操)at 6:30.4.

i often购物)with my mum.5. i usually___for a散步)after dinner.

九、选一选,写一写。(7分)play h**e go do


) 1. i usually gowith my swim b. swimming c.

to swimming( )2. we h**e pe class __ten __the at; in b. in; on c.

at; on

) 3. i’m strong, because i oftenafterschool.

) come here at 2:00___and b. or c. but( )is a letter __lily.

a. at b. with c from( )6. what’s wu yifan like?

a. he is clever. b. he is a student.. c. he isgood at sports.

)7. amy, clean the classroom, _a. play b. plate c. please

)8. -this rabbit is so cute. -sorry, it’s a___

a. clothes b. cloudy c. clock.

a. at b. on c. with

) sometimes i clean my __make b. cake c. c**e() often___

shopping() usually play___

) usually climb 十。


1. you what do on the weekend do2. often i to go bed ten at (.

i go home 4:30 at (.

4. do you when in spain finish class5. go swimming i often in the water十。

二、读问句,选答句。(5分)( 1. when do you get up?

( 2. what do you do on sundays?( 3.

why are you shopping today?( 4. do you often play sports?

( 5. clean the classroom, ok!

b. yes, i at 6:00 i often watch my mum worked last night.


粗心地) 7:00. i eat breakfastat i goshopping by car.

i stop my car near the shop. 30 minuteslater, i come out. i buy many things.

i want put them intothe car. but i can’t open the door of the car. so i askthe policeman to help me.

just then a woman comes up andshouts,“whatareyoudoingwithmycar?”ilookatthecar’s number. oh, my god!

it isn’t my car!( 1. jim gets up at 7:

30.) 2. jim goes shopping after lunch.( 3. jim buys many things.

) 4. jim asks the policeman for help.( 5. jim makes a mistake(犯了错误).十。


i am an owl. i can fly. i am farmers’best friend.

i eat dinner at 8:00 i eat breakfast at 5:30 in themorning.

i go home at 6:00 i go to bed at 6:30 don’t’h**e lunch every day.

) at night.

) i am an owl. i __at 6:00 a. go home

b. eat breakfast.

)iamanowl. b.6:30

十。五、小练笔:写一写。(4分)my day

hello, i’mi am busy on the alwaysi usuallyi ofteni sometimesthis is my day!


课程表。科目英语。教学进度表。个人教学计划。一 学生基本情况分析 本学期我教授班级为五年级五班 五年级六班及五年级七班。三个班的学生都已经接触英语两年的时间,学习上有了一定的语言基础,在教学的过程中我注重复习旧知,所以大部分学生的知识储备较多,有利于今后的学习。五班的学生学习积极性不是很高,纪律意识...


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