gogo版五年级英语下册 新 Unit

发布 2023-04-18 15:13:28 阅读 3080

unit 1: ****** plans


a test做小测验

games 玩游戏

a haircut理发。

the doctor去看医生

for clothes买衣服

a party聚会。

a letter 写信

some friends与朋友会面

今晚 明天

day after tomorrow 后天


假期 camping 去野营。

photos 拍照。

sounds and words:


跳跃 唱歌



are you going to do today? 今天你准备做什么?

i’m going to write a letter.我准备写信。

you going to write to your cousin?你准备写信给你的堂兄弟吗?

no, i’m going to write to my grandfather.不,我准备写信给我的爷爷。

he going to do in the afternoon?下午他打算做什么?

he’s going to meet some friends.他打算与朋友会面。



you going to cook some food/shop for clothes/get a haircut? 你打算煮食物/买衣服/理发吗? no.

i’m not.不,我不是。(否定回答)

going to h**e a vacation .我准备去度假。


1、i’m going on a big ship

2、i’m going to take a trip to see the tricks.

3、let’s see the pig, put some bricks in the wall.


1、 are you going toto your uncle?

2、 i’m

3、 what are youto do today?

4、 are you going tosome food?

5、 are you going tofor clothes?

6、 are you going to get a

7、 i’m going toyou


1、are, you, what, to, do, going, today?

2、going, are, you, cook, some, to, food?

3、you, are, going, to, for, shop, clothes?

4、you, are, to, going, get, haircut, a?

5、i’m, to, ask, going, questions, you.

6、i’m, to, going, write, letters.

7、you, are, going, write, your, to, to, uncle?


a: what are you going to do?

b: i’m going to take a

a: are you go onlast sunday?

b: yes, i was getting abefore that.

a: oh, i was going to see the

b: my mom and i were shop for

a: cool! my friends and i were h**ing a __

b: at night, i was writingto my friends.

we will meet some

when we are back.

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