
发布 2020-10-13 03:32:28 阅读 2074

(2013新冀教版)五年级英语下册 unit 2 单元测试卷



一、 补全单词。(10分)

1. h__lp帮助 __ed疲劳的 __le人们

说 __ture** __t等候 7.__sy容易的

__y许多 __d畏惧 担忧。


1. arrive(现在分词复数)__

3. know(同音词单数)__





)1. a. sing b. doing c. taking d. flying

)2. a. likes b. shops c. pants d. women

)3. a. what b. how c. where d. with

)4. a. beautiful b. good c. luck d. windy

)5. a. can b. write c. look d. fall


)1. may i __your picture?

a. cake b. take c. desk d. do

)2. boys and girls are___

a. men b. women c. children d. people

)3. danny and jenny know __the great wall.

a. about b. with c. of d. for

)4. this is __jenny can fly a kite.

a. loud b. quiet c. hard d. easy

)5. _arm is hurt.

a. danny’s b. dannys’ c. dannys d. danny

)6. i want to buy gifts __my family.

a. to b. for c. give d. at

)7. can you find the children __cards?

a. play b. plays c. playing d. to play

)8. don’t draw __write on the potala palace.

a. but b. and c. or d./

) does not go to the great wall is not a true man.

a. that b. what c. whose d. who

) you___with us?

a. run b. running c. running d. runs

) are __their way __the hotel.

a. in;to b. on;to c. to;to d. on;for

) friend arrive __beijing __14:00.

a. in;in b. at;in c. in;at d. at;at

) are __people on the square.

a. much b. more c. a d. many

) afraid.

a. am b. be c. is d. are

) are __busy.

a. too b. for c. so d. much

) us __tv, ok?

a. watch b. watches c. watching d. watched

) many __are there?

a. bus b. buss c. buses d. a bus

) looks __15 shops.

a. on b. for c. of d. in

) need __a train.

a. take b. takes c. to take d. taking

) hurt __arm.

a. he b. him c. he’s d. his


)1. can jenny fly a kite? a. it’s 3:00.

)2. what’s thisb. it’s jenny.

)3. what can you seec. yes, she can.

)4. what time is it now? d. this is a camera.

)5. who is flying a kite? e. some old tables and chairs.


1)、you can walk __the cinema __me.

2)、is there a hospital __your house?

3)、they arrive __the train station now.

4)、lily is afraid __the snakes.

5)、i go to school __foot every morning.

6)、jenny sees a man __the tree.

7)、let’s look___the window.

8)、she is talking to the girl __you.

9)、do you know more __the animal?

1is your brother? he’s 20.

2is it from the school to the park? it’s about 100 meters.

3books on the desk? i don’t know.

4is the river? more than 5, 000 kilometers.

5for the tea? 26yuan.


1、some boysfly) kites now.

2、"i love shoppingsay) danny.

3、today is hot andsun).

3、你知道哪些化学变化的事例呢?举出几个例子。4、the palace museum is about 600year) old.

5、pleasestand) beside her.

6、herun) to the restaurant.

7not go) to the park!

16、大量的研究事实说明生命体都是由细胞组成的,生物是由细胞构成的。我们的**表面,每平方厘米含有的细胞数量超过10万个。8、whatdo) he h**e?

a big panda.

6、蚜虫是黄色的,在植物的嫩枝上吸食汁液,每个蚜虫只有针眼般大小,在10倍放大镜下我们可以看清它们的肢体。9、let’skeep) it clean and beautiful.

答:硫酸铜溶液的颜色逐渐变浅,取出铁钉后,发现浸入硫酸铜溶液中的那部分变红了。10、we areluck) to see it.


4、咀嚼馒头的外皮也可以感觉到甜味吗?为什么?1、it’s 15:00(对划线部分提问the time?

答:这个垃圾场不仅要能填埋垃圾,而且要能防止周围环境和地下水的污染。2、there is a baby and a person.(变成复数句)


3、i am a true man.***一般疑问句)

22、绿色植物的一些细胞能进行光合作用,制造养料,它们好像是一个个微小的工厂a true man?

4、a child flies a kite.(改为现在进行时)


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