
发布 2020-10-13 03:31:28 阅读 6393


一,单词。二.短语look out of从。。。向外看 look at看(某人或某物) draw a picture 画画h**e breakfast吃早餐sing a song唱歌 read a book读书wash my hands洗手make …’s bed整理床铺 fly a kite放风筝play



一,单词。二.短语look out of从。。。向外看 look at看(某人或某物) draw a picture 画画h**e breakfast吃早餐sing a song唱歌 read a book读书wash my hands洗手make …’s bed整理床铺 fly a kite放风筝play cards with和。。。

玩纸牌talk to 对。。。说话arrive in到达。。。大地方)h**e fun玩得开心listen to music听**。

三.必背句子( 注意划线的单词)

1. jenny is looking out the window of the train. 向火车车窗外面看。

2. look! i see a tall tree. 看!我看见了一棵树。

3. point to the woman. 指向那位女士。

4. what's danny looking at?丹尼在看什么?

5. what are you doing? i am drawing a picture. 你正在干什么?我正在画画。

6. would you like a cup of tea?你想要一杯茶吗?

回答:yes , please.\ no, thanks.

7. what would you like? i'd like some candy, please.

8. may i h**e some apples, please? 我可以拥有些苹果吗?

回答: yes, you may ./no, you may not./sure.

is talking to the man behind you.丹尼正在和你后面的先生说话。

want to jump.我想跳。

arrive at the train station. danny runs to the station. 他们到达火车站。丹尼跑向火车站。

is singing a song to your mother.丹尼正在给你妈妈唱歌。

四. some ,a 和an

例如:an apple/orange/egg/elephant/ice cream

some pears/buses/girls/boys/(可数名词)



现在进行时表示现在正在发生的动作或事情时,(句子**现look, now, 或者问题是what are you doing ?时,要用到现在进行时。)动词要在后面加上ing

draw-drawing look-looking point- pointing

see - seeing sleep- sleeping dance- dancing

h**e - h**ing write – writing put- putting

shop - shopping run——running shop_shopping sit-sittin练习题。

一用 a ,an, some 填空。

___applepearjuiceice cream

___soupcarbuses __tea



1.what's she doing now? she'ssleep, sleeping )

is sheno , she 's loud. (quiet , loud )

2.li ming 's father is awoman , man )

li ming 's sister is three months. she is agirl , baby)

3isome fruit. (look \ see)

4is it? (who\ what)

it's danny. would you likemilk? (a \some)

thanks . 过了一秒钟) i'mslow\quick)


see look can't now point

jennyia boy. do you see him,

danny: no, isee himto him, please.

what's the boy doing

quietly quiet loud sleep

jenny: the boy ising.

danny: is the boy

jenny: no, he ishe is sleeping


1.单词。二.词组和句子arrive in到达。。。大地方)on …’s way to…在某人去。。。的路上don’t be afraid别害怕。

1.this is a man\woman \ baby.

these are men \women \children.(*单数用this,复数用these)

2.these are many people in the train station. 在火车站有很多人。

there are too many cars and buses.有太多的轿车和公交车。

there are many people in the park.在公园有很多人。

there be 表示“有” ,人或事物的存在”或“某地有某物。

3. on the way back to the hotel, everyone is tired and hungry.在回旅馆的路上,每个人都又累又饿。

4.the bus is slow. it goes slowly. (修饰名词用形容词,修饰动词要使用加 ly 的副词形式)


slow---slowly quick---quickly loudloudly


5. what time is it? 现在是什么时间了?it’s 2:30.现在2点半了。

6. how old is the great wall?长城有多久的历史了?it’s about 2000 years old.它有2023年历史了。

8.may i take a picture, please?

回答:yes, you may/no, you may not./sure)

9.how long is the great wall?长城有多长?it’s about 6000 kilometres.它大约6000千米。

10. how is the weather today?今天天气怎么样?it’s sunny today.今天很晴朗。


冀教版五年级英语下册复习资料。五年级第一单元复习。一,单词。二 短语look out of从。向外看 look at看 某人或某物 draw a picture 画画h e breakfast吃早餐sing a song唱歌 read a book读书wash my hands洗手make s be...


冀教版小学英语全部句型。1 问候。hi!hello!你好!good morning afternoon evening 早上 下午 晚上好!a how are you?你好吗?b fine,thank you.very well,thank you.很好,谢谢你。2 介绍。my name is 我叫...


第一单元第1课。重点单词 look see point重点语法 look与see的区别。重点句型 look i see 会写 please don t会写 are you h ing fun?i am h ing fun.第2课。重点单词 loud quiet sleep draw重点语法 现在进行...