
发布 2020-10-13 03:23:28 阅读 3133


arrive in到达take a cab乘出租车go for a walk去散步fly kites=fly a kite放风筝。

look inside看里面。

tian’anmen square天安门广场the palace museum故宫look at看。

take pictures=take a picture拍**take your picture给你拍**。


break his tail=hurt his tail伤了他的尾巴be careful=look out=watch out当心。

go shopping=do shopping去购物walk there步行去那里walk here步行来这里。

put…in…把…放进h**e fun玩儿得开心。

walk with+人:和某人在一起walk to +地点:步行去某地。



may i…?我可以…吗?

there is/are+名词:有…want to+动词原形+名词:想要做… go for a walk去散步。

how old+be动词《am/is/are》+主语?;;多大年龄?how much?;;多少钱?

how many+可数名词复数?;;多少个?how much+不可数名词?;;多少个?

句子:this is a man;这是一位男士。

these are men;这些是男士们。

who is tired and hungry?谁又累又饿?

everyone is tired and hungry?每一个人都又累又饿。

there are many people in the beijing train station;有许多人在北京火车站。

they are buying tickets;他们正在买票。

those children are playing cards;那些孩子们正在玩卡片。

the cars and bicycles go quickly;汽车和自行车走的很快。

the bus is slow;it goes slowly;公交车是慢的。它走的慢。

the men and women are quick;they walk quickly;男人们和女人们是快的。他们走的快。

the children are slow;they walk slowly;孩子们是慢的。他们走的慢。

everyone feels scared;每一个人都感觉害怕的。

i see some children playing;我看见一些孩子们正在玩。

i hurt my arm;我伤了我的胳膊。

let’s put a bandage on your arm;让我们把一个绷带放在你的胳膊上。

i want to take my camera;我想要带上我的照相机。

may i take your picture?我可以为你拍照吗?

may i help you take a picture?我可以帮助你拍**吗?

jenny puts a new film in her camera;珍妮把一个新胶卷放进她的相机里。

1 / 2let’s look inside the window;让我们看看窗户里面。

who wants to go shopping today?今天谁想要去购物?

i want to buy gifts for my family;我想要给我的家人买礼物。

what time is it?=what’s the time? it’s 2:30;现在几点了?现在2:30。

he looks in fifteen shops;他看了十五家商店。


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