
发布 2023-04-18 11:04:28 阅读 5329

m1u2 my way to school

p7 my way to school 去往学校的路上

walk to…走去go to…on foot

ride a/his/the bike to 骑自行车去= go to…by bike

take a/the bus to 乘汽车去go to…by bus

take the/an underground to 乘地铁去 = go to …by underground

take a/the taxi to 乘出租车去go to …by taxi

zebra crossing 斑马线 traffic lights交通灯 p**ement 人行道。

p8 on foot 步行 live /liv/ 居住 le**e /li:v/离开 what about you? 你怎么样?

arrive at到达= get to = reach

重要句型:你怎么来学校的?how do you come to school?

我步行/乘汽车/乘小汽车/乘地铁来学校。i come to school on foot/by bus/ by car/ by underground

p9 cross穿过 (动词)= go across 近义词:go through过(立体的东西)

cross the road 过马路 wait for the green light等绿灯。

on the p**ement 在人行道上 walk quickly快速地走 look left向左看 look right 向右看。

at traffic lights在交通灯处 at zebra crossing在斑马线处。


p10 journey 行程 ( a journey to work 上班行程)minute 分钟, ,stay on待在车上, get off 下车(反义词get on 上车 ),an underground station 一个地铁站, for about fifteen minutes 大约有15分钟,(for引导时间段,用how long提问)

a bus stop 汽车站,take bus no.12 乘坐12路公共汽车。

p11 give a report to 给……作报告。

p12 want to be 想成为 fly an aeroplane 开飞机sick生病的。

重要句型:what do you want to be? 你想成为什么? i want to be a pilot.我想成为飞行员。

p13 worker工人 pilot飞行员 farmer农民 cook厨师 shop assistant商店售货员。

扩充词汇:engineer工程师 lawyer律师 manager经理 singer歌唱家 artist艺术家。

p14 dream梦想 do a survey作个调查 in the future在将来 tr**el旅行 (tr**el around the world 周游世界)

p15 froggy青蛙 (frog的昵称)

图2:singer歌唱家 star明星 be good at 擅长…

图3:suddenly突然 lake 湖 lifeguard 救生员 s**e 救,节省

p16 语音部分:picnic 野餐。

module 2 词汇语法总结。

p17: how often 怎么经常(多久一次),ask (sb.) about…询问(某人)关于……(与tell…about), live with和某人一起住,once a week一周一次,at weekends在周末,play chess with和(某人)下棋, visit(see)my grandparents看望我的爷爷奶奶, twice a year一年两次, write e-mails to写电子邮件给…….

talk to和…说话, on the internet.在网上。

语法结构:how often是对频度词提问,如:always, usually, often, sometimes, never, once a week, three times a year

she goes to school five times a week. (对划线部分提问)

how often does she go to school?

p18:write an email to…写电子邮件, go shopping去购物,(类推法:go swimming, go jogging等), play chess下棋。

p19: 1) little red riding hood小红帽, on one’s way to在去往…的路上(on my way to home) ,run to跑去, first首先(在名称前+the, 在动词后面不+the。如 the first floor, run first), knock at the door敲门, grandchild孙子。

2)h**e a cold(catch a cold)感冒, hug拥抱,

感叹句:what (a) +形容词+名称+主语+谓语。 what a beautiful girl she is!

what sharp teeth you h**e!

how +形容词+主语+谓语。how beautiful the girl is!

how sharp your teeth are!

3) hunter猎人, come quickly快快地来, run away跑掉, all right还好。

p20: the double ninth festival重阳节, a traditional chinese festival一个传统的中国节日, on this day在这天, go on an outing去郊游, climb mountains爬山, see flowers shows看花展, at this festival在这节日, for old people为老人, get together聚在一起 (be together在一起), h**e a good time 过得快乐(=enjoy yourself)

p21: wear穿(与put on的区别,wear表示已经穿在身上,长时间的。put on穿这个动作,短时间的。

),flat公寓房,句法结构:it is +形容词+to do… 如:it is easy to see.

it is difficult to fly.

it是代替to do这个不定式的。

p22: 1) in the same class在同样班级里(注意:same前面的the不能省),

2)like sports喜欢运动, like playing volleyball喜欢打排球,play badminton打羽毛球。

3)we both我们两个(=both of us), like helping people喜欢帮助别人, cross 穿过,动词(across穿过,介词;cross the road =go across the road)

4) each other互相, be together在一起, good friends好朋友。

p23: same相同的,different不同的,both两者都,all全部都 (we all=all of us)

注意both和all在句中的位置。除了we both=both of us, we all=all of us外,他们还可以在句中放在be、助动词、情态动词后面,实义动词前面。如:

we are both in shanghai(=both of us are in shanghai). we can all swim (=all of us can swim) .

both反义词neither, both…and…(+动词复数)的反义词是neither…nor…(就近原则)。如:both my brother and kitty like the toy car.

neither my brother nor kitty likes the toy car.

neither my brother nor i like the toy car. 后两句的动词单复数要根据最近的主语来判断。

p24: a football match 一场足球赛,

1)member成员, of …的, the school’s football club学校足球俱乐部, after school放学后, in different teams在不同的队伍,golden boys金色男孩, hero英雄(复数:hero+es, 以o结尾的单词只有tomato, potato。记忆方法:

英雄喜欢吃西红柿和土豆。) win赢, wait and see等着瞧。

2)a difficult match一场艰难的比赛,for both teams对于两个队伍来说。

3)finally最后,congratulations! 祝贺! play well打得好 (good修饰名词,well修饰动词)

p25: room205 (=the 205th room), skate 滑冰,from 来自,all of you你们所有人。

p26: kind种类,many kinds of 许多种类的… ,should应该。

目前情态动词 should

canmay (not) +do (动词原形)


例如:you should finish your homework before supper.

i cannot finish my homework before supper.

p27: why 为什么,because因为, the chens陈的一家人, be happy with对…满意, face south朝南, a lot of sunshine许多阳光,study书房,read books看书,all day整天。


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