
发布 2023-04-18 06:36:28 阅读 7325




listening (听力部分,共40分)

一。 一。请欣赏这段歌谣,在相应的**下打“√”2分)

ab二。 二。听音,选出你所听到的单词或词组的序号,填入题前括号内(共10分,每小题2分)

) 1. a. read books b. play ping-pongc. watch tv

) 2. a. grayb. bluec. red

) 3. a. china b. canadac. australia

) 4. a. northb. southc. east

) 5. a. standb. sitc. run

三。 三。听音,填入所缺单词的序号,将正确序号填入题前的括号中(10分,每空2分)

)1. we arrive in beijing at___

a. 6:00b. 7:00

)2. they speakin australia.

a. chineseb. english

)3pants are red.

a. theseb. those

)4. this is a __station.

a. countryb. train

)5. this is my f**ourite

a. jacketb. tickets



)1. a. yes, you mayb. at 11:15.

)2. a. by trainb. i like those pants.

)3. a. yes ,you mayb. it’s far from beijing.

)4. a. this is a jacket. b. it’s red.

writing (笔试部分,共60分)


it’s the capital city of our country!


my a nt likes to read the news*****. my unc likes to work on the computer.

let’s g to beijing by planei like th t shirt.

i like th s sweater.


) and jenny canada at 6:15 in the evening.

a. le**e b. arrive c. but

)2. we in beijing on february first.

a. english b. le**e c. arrive

)3. on a map, _points left.

a. east b. west c. north

)4. a bus is __than an airplane?

a. slow b. slower c. fast

)5. how far is it __china to canada?

a. from b. to c. near


1. south down points

2. australia yellow is

3. when do beijing arrive in you

4. a train slower a plane is than

5. about it’s eight hundred kilometres


) 1. where is canadaa. she goes to work by bus.

) 2. what colour is china’s flagb. it’s north of the

) 3. what’s the capital city of the c. it’s red.

) does your mother go to work? d. it’s london


1look! danny is

my mother says:“don’t ,please”

(jump jumping )

i live ini speak

chinese china

a bus is . a bus is than a train. (slow slower)

七.阅读短文,判断正误。判断正确的在括号中写“t ” 判断错误的在括号中写“f”。(共5分,每小题1分)

my family

my name is li wan. i am twelve years old. i h**e short, curly and black hair.

my eyes are big. i h**e a happy (幸福的) family. my father is a businessman.

he has a car. he drives to work. he likes to go for a walk in the evening.

my mother is a teacher. she has curly, black hair. she goes to work on her bicycle.

she likes to read the news*****. on sundays, we go to the park to fly kites. i love my family.

) 1. my hair is short.

) 2. my father drives a car to work.

) 3. my mother likes to go for a walk.

) 4. my mother has straight, black hair.

) sundays we go to the zoo to watch the animals.




教育联盟2012 2013学年上学期期末飞检测试题。命题学校 九龙街道穆村小学教材版本 外研版。使用班级 五年级考试时间 60分钟等级。听力部分 共30分 一 选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入题前的括号中。每小题2分,共10分 1.a.feelb.feeling 2.a.skipb.skipping...


一 填空。a.pl b.lp c.ld d.dl p a.a c.i d.o try a.en b.on c.un d.in 4.sou a.ch b.oh c.cy d.th 5.w st a.a b.e c.o d.u 6.w k a.el c.al d.ar 7.j p a.am b.un c...


2013 2014学年度五年级英语 上 期末检测题 同学们,准备好了吗?让我们开始快乐之旅吧!一 找出不同类的一个,将它的序号写在括号内。10分 young b.strong c.short d.picture grass b.river c.tree d flower day b.under c....