
发布 2023-04-18 06:33:28 阅读 8034



时间: 80分钟总分:100分) 等第:__

listening part 听力部分 (共30分)


) 1. a. /dkb. /bsc. /sn/

) 2. a. thereb. thesec. here

) 3. a. forestb. fromc. floor

) 4. a. write

) 5. a. thirstyb. thirtyc. third

) 6. a. chinab. canadac. australia

) 7. a. presentsb. prettyc. parents

) 8. a. christmas eve b. christmas day c. christmas card.

) 9. a. comes outb. gets outc. looks out

) where does he live

does he like doing?

c. what does he do?


三、听录音, 选出合适的应答。每题听两遍。(6分)

19. a. yes, they are. b. yes, there arec. yes, it is.

) 20. a. no, i can’t. b. yes, i likec. no, i don’t.

) 21. a. he likes swimming. b. i like singing.

c. she likes dancing.

) 22. a. there is oneb. i h**e five applesc. there are five dogs.

) 23. a. he can swim. b. he has a cat.

c. he likes climbing.

) 24. a. yes, we dob. we play on the swing in the garden.

c. we put a stocking on our beds and wait for presents.


) 25. john has six dogs.

) 26. cote is from china.

) 27. dot’s toy monkey can jump and run.

) 28. potty’s toy is a blue rabbit.

) 29. the dogs like their toys and john very much.

) 30. john likes his dogs.

writing part 笔试部分( 共67分)


)1. -does his sister likeno,she doesn’t.

a. swims b. swim c. swimming

) 2. xiao ming and xiao hong are twins. they___like sports.

a. allb. bothc. are

) 3. he lives incanada.

ab. ac. the

) 4. winter comes after

c. autumn

) 5. in the us, we can seein australia, we can see

a. bald eagles, polar bears b. polar bears, kangaroos c. bald eagles, kangaroos

) 6. -does your brother usuallytv at weekends? -yes,he does.

c. watch

) 7sam good atsure.

a. does, swimingb. does, swimmingc. is, swimming

) 8. we usually h**e a picnic in the

a. cinema b. factory

) 9do you go to the cinema? -sometimes.

a. when b. how many

)10your father a worker?

yes, he___cars in a factory.

a. does, makes c. does, make

)11. he always shows us all the lovely roses.句中划线部分读音不同的是:

a. roses


a. niceb. juicec. picnic

)★friend is moving

my friend is in my heart to

stay smart

)★14. how sweet to be a __

floating in the __

a. cloud,blueb. proud,cloudc. aloud,blue

)★15. in the story “ the swan(天鹅) with golden feathers”, the swan flies

away,the woman lives a __life again.

a. happy b. poorc. nice

)★16. in the story “ three monks”, the monster(怪物) wants to___the three monks(和尚).

a. pushb. eatc. hit


a. john is an old man. he has a big house.

he likes dogs very much. he has three dog is from theuk. her name iscote.

one dog is from theus. her name is dot. one dog is fromchina.

her name is potty. john loves his dogs very much. he buys many toys for his a red cat.

it is small and fun. dot has a blue toy monkey. it can jump and run.

potty has a white toy rabbit. it has long ears. the dogs like their toys and they like john, too.

they like playing with john very much.

) has six dogs.

) is from china.

)3. dot’s toy monkey can jump and run.

)4. potty’s toy is a blue rabbit.


2017 2018学年度第一学期期末学情分析样题。九年级语文。满分120分,时间120分钟 友情提醒 此卷为试题卷,答案写在此卷上无效。请将答案写在答题卡上。一 28分 1.请在田字格内用正楷或行楷抄写下面的句子。4分 勤学善问进学之道。2.给加点字注音,根据拼音写汉字。4分 1 蓬蒿 2 笨拙 3...


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