
发布 2022-03-28 04:11:28 阅读 6629






)1. a. feelb. feeling

)2. a. skipb. skipping

)3. a. ringb. rang

)4. a. hearb. her

)5. a. wellb. bell


)1. a. yes, i dob. no, i don’t. c. yes, i can.

)2. a. yes, i dob. i feel tired. c. by bus.

)3. a. i went to the i went by bus. c. at half past seven.

)4. a. yes, he isb. no, she isn’t. c. yes, i am.

)5. a. i went to the parkb. very well. c. at 9 o’clock.


)1. the dress is ms smart’s.

)2. they came back last saturday.

)3. daming wants five bananas.

)4. it’s lingling’s sweater.

)5. there are enough pencils.



)1.—_did you come back? —we came back last sunday.

a. where b. whenc. why

)2. —whose dress is this? —it’s __

a. myb. minec. he

)3. do you want to be___our football team?

a. atb. inc. on

)4. —can you control the ball

a. thank you b. very badly, sorry c. you are welcome

)5. she didn’t __an ice cream yesterday .

a. bought b. buyc. buys

)6. i can’t swim __

a. atb. at allc. good

)7does school start? —at nine o’clock .

a. what b. what time c. where

)8. these chicks can’t___

a. eatb. eatingc. ate

)9. this girl is deaf. she can’t __

a. seeb. hearc. walk

)10. lingling is very good __basketball.

a. atb. inc. of


)1. what’s the mattera. i can’t play it.

)2. how did they gob. oh, no! of course not.

)3. what did daming doc. nothing.

)4. are you feeling angryd. by bus.

)5. how well do you play basketball? e. he took a photo.


daming: next week is a holiday. what will you do, sam?

sam: 1

daming: can you run fast?

sam: 2

daming: 3

sam: very well. 4

daming: 5

sam: thank you.

a. yes, i can.

b. i want to be in your basketball team.

c. can you control the basketball?

d. i think you can play basketball well.

e. and i can catch the ball well.


1. did, she, where, yesterday, go, (

2. skipped, i, with, the girls, (

3. you, bored, feeling, are, (

4. i, play football, can, well, (

5. you, thinking about, what, are, (


i cleaned my room all day. now i feel___

i made a new friend. now i feel___

raining and i can’t go out to play. now i feel___

i lost my skipping rope. i feel___

can smell some nice noodle soup. i feel___新课标第一网。

六、阅读理解,正确的在括号内写(t), 错误的写(f)。(每小题2分,共10分)

yesterday was saturday. it was sunny. i got up at 7:

30. after breakfast, i went to the beach(海滩)with alice. there were many people on the beach.

we ran, jumped and played volleyball(排球)on the sands(沙滩). we swam in the sea. some men fished on a boat.

we had a good time. we were tired(疲乏的), but happy.

)1. yesterday was sunday.

)2. the weather was sunny.

)3. i got up at half past seven.

)4. i went to the beach with peter.

)5. we played volleyball on the sands.



一 填空。a.pl b.lp c.ld d.dl p a.a c.i d.o try a.en b.on c.un d.in 4.sou a.ch b.oh c.cy d.th 5.w st a.a b.e c.o d.u 6.w k a.el c.al d.ar 7.j p a.am b.un c...


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