
发布 2022-03-28 04:05:28 阅读 9348




1. the panda is在森林里).

2. tom can打扫卧室).

3. there is a lake and many trees在建筑物附近).

4. we can浇花).

5. there are two床头柜)near the bed.


) 1. studies education d. p. e.

) 2. a. young b. short c. quiet d. fun

) 3. a. fruitb. grapec. appled. orange

) 4. a. mountainb. sky c. aird. healthy

) 5. a. closet b. pathc. mirrord. curtain

) grass b. treec. roomd. flower

)7. a. table b. principalc. trash bin d. mirror

)8. a. beef b. pork c. mutton

)9. a. university b. forestc. lake d. river

)10. a. tuesday b. wednesdayc. english d. monday

三、选词填空。(10分) any near too her on

1. what do you do thursdays?

2. the trash bin is the door.

3. is there fish in the river?

4. i can do the dishes, .

5. we can help .


)1. who's your art teacher? a. yes, there are.

)2. are there any bridges over the river?b. we h**e pork and tofu.

)3. can you wash the clothes? c. mr. zhou.

)4. what do you h**e for lunch today?d. it's on the wall.

)5. where is the mirror? e. yes, i can.


) 1. what's your art teacher like?--

a. he's tall and thin. b. he likes apples. c. he can cook the meals.

) 2. what do you do __sundays?--i often watch tv and play football.

a. inb. atc. on

) 3. _is the trash bin? -look, it's behind the door.

a. where b. what c. who

) 4. what __you like for lunch---i'd like some mutton, tofu and green beans.

a. do b. are c. would

) 5. can you do some housework

a. yes, i am b. yes, i can. c. yes, i do.

) 6. there __some beautiful trees in front of our building.

a. h**e c. is

) 7 .would you like someyes, please.

a. grapes b. cabbage c. carrot

)8. sarah, dinner is ready, pleaseok, mum.

a. do the dishes b. cook the meals c. set the table

) 9. there are no __in our village.

a. lake b. river c. tall buildings

) 10. _is your f**ourite day? -monday.

a. what b. how c. how day

()11. there is a bridge the river.

a. on b. over c. under

)12. can you water the flowers? -

a. yes, i can't. b. yes, i can. c. no, i can.

)13. the panda in china.

a. live b. lives c. living

)14. are you at home?

a. help b. helps c. helpful

)15. -is she strict? -yes, but she's very .

a. strong b. tall c. kind


1. aremany cats there the tree under (.

see what you in room amy’s (?

3. my tall and strong is english teacher(.)

4. a mirror the bedis thereover(.)

5. are there in the rivers any fish (?


( )a. is there an air-conditioner?

) b. really? what's it like?

) c. there is a big closet and blue curtains.

) d. i h**e my own room now.

) e. yes, there is.


fish is fresh.(变成否定句。

you like bananas?(做出肯定回答。

can make the bed.(翻译成汉语。


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