
发布 2023-04-18 06:25:28 阅读 5815



)1. 想知道别人平常是怎样去上学的,可以这样问___

a. how are you going to school? b. how do you go to school?

c. how do you go to the zoo?

)2. 想知道ben明天是不是去野餐,可以这样问___

a. is ben going to h**e a picnic tomorrow? b. what you doing?

c. what are you going to do today?

)3. 想知道别人在假期里计划做什么,可以这样问___

a. where are you going? b. what are you going to do tomorrow?

c. what are you going to do during the vacation?

)4. 想知道别人是不是总是乘公共汽车去上学,可以这样问___

a. do you always go to school by taxi? b. do you walk to school?

c. do you always take a bus to school?

)5is jenny going to do? she’s going to help dad.

a. whereb. whatc. how

)6. i go to school by bus from monday to friday every week.

so itake a bus to school.

a. sometimes b. never c. always

)7. my mother sometimes __the subway to work .

a. take b. takes c. taking

)8. we’re going to __relatives during the vacation.

a. visitb. visitsc. play

)9. _you take a bus to school ? no, i walk to school.

a. doesb. isc. do

)10. we’re going __taxi. a. by b. take c. ride

)11. 想知道别人明天打算去做什么,可以这样问___

a. what are you going to do today? b. what are you doing?

c. what are you going to do tomorrow?

)12. 想知道别人打算住在哪儿,可以这样问___

a. where are you going? b. where are you going to stay?

c. what are you going to do?

)13. 想知道别人今天是不是要考试,可以这样问___

a. are you going to take a test today? b. we’re going to take a test

c. are you going to h**e a party today?

)14. 想知道别人怎样去上海,可以这样问___

a. how are you going to shanghai? b. where are you going?

c. are you going to shanghai?

)15. they __going to play games. a. amb. isc. are

)16. i like___a. swim b. camping c. camp.

)17is she going to guangzhou? -by bus.

a. where b. howc. what

)18. he’s going to __a test. a. take b. taking c. play

)19. are you going to play games

a. yes, you are. b. no, he isn’t. c. yes, we are.

)20. i am going to stay __my aunt. a. in b. on c. with

)21. 想知道别人怎样去上学,可以这样问___

a. how do you go to school? b. how are you going?

c. how often do you go to school?

)22. 你想道别人假期打算做什么,可以这样问___

a. where are you goingb. what are you doing?

c. what are you going to do during the vacation?

)23. 你想知道别人多久去游泳,可以这样问___

a. how often do you go shopping? b. how do you go swimming?

c. how often do you go swimming?

)24. 你想知道别人是不是打算玩游戏,可以这样问___

a. are you playing games? b. are you going to play games?

c. what are you going to do?

( )25. 你想知道别人计划住在**,可以这样问___

a. where are you going to stay? b. what’s he going to do?

c. are they going to stay in a hotel?

b )26. ben __once a week.

a. go fishing b. goes fishing c. fishing

c )27is he going to wuhan? –by train.

a. how often b. what c. how

b )28. tonymake models tomorrow.

a. isb. is going toc. are going to

b )29. _they often walk to school? –no. they take a bus.

a. areb. doc. does

c )30. we all like___very much.

a. swimb. swimsc. swimming

b )31. 想知道别人平时多久去钓鱼,可以这样问___

a. how do you go fishing? b. how often do you go fishing?

c. how often do you eat fish?

c )32. 你想知道别人打算去做什么,可以这样问___

a. where are youb. what are you doing now?

c. what are you going to do?

a )33. 你想知道别人多久打扫一次房间,可以这样问___

a. how often do you clean up the room?

b. how do you clean up the room?

c. how often do you brush your teeth?

c )34. 你想知道别人是不是喜欢游泳,可以这样问___

a. are you swimming? b. what is she doing?

c. do you like swimming?

( b )35. 你想知道gogo多久洗一次脸,可以这样问___


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