金苹果英语 PEP 五年级上册期末测试题 二 4

发布 2023-04-17 02:37:28 阅读 7790


老师评价。一、按要求进行词形转换 。(16分)

1、family (复数2、young(反义词3、short(反义词4、meal(复数)

5、know(同音词6、active (反义词7、tuesday(复数8、h**e (第三人称单数)


完全形式 not(缩略形式完全形式复数。


) 1、what can you doa、no,she isn’t

) 2、can you wash the clothesb、yes,there is.

) 3、is there a river in the parkc、i can do housework.

) 4、how many lakes are there in the park? d、two.

) 5、is she quiete、yes,i can.


( )often watch tvmondays. a. in b. on c. at d. to

( )you do on saturdays? a. do b. is c. are d. does

( )can do the at home. a、dish b、dishes c、dishes d、dish’s

( )are many in the park. a. girl b. boy c. student d. teachers

( )aren’t rivers in the park. a. a b. an c. any d. one

( )the window,please! a. closing b. to close c. close d. closes

( )do you for lunch today? a. h**e b. do c. eat d. drink

( )12 o’clock at noon. he’s h**inga. breakfast b. lunch c. supper d. time

( )9. you like the parka. do b. do c. are d. are

( )you want go to a movie? a. onb. in c. at d. to


2. tree 7. funny 8. flowers 9. read

hello! i’m kitty. i’m thin andmy f**orite day isbecause we h**e tomatoes and

___for lunch that day. on saturdays i often __tv and do sports. on sundays i oftenbooks and doat home.

i’m helpful at home .i can __thelook! there is a big __and many colorful(色彩缤纷的near my house !

how nice!


1. you, can, table, set, the ?

2. your, food, what’s , f**ourite ?

3. english, what’s, like , teacher , your ?

4. day, is, what , today, it ?

5. is, a, park, there, river, in, the ?

6. pandas, any, there, are, mountains, the in?

7. clothes, on, bed, are, many, the.

8. set, you, the, table, can?

9. our, is, li, teacher, miss, english, new.

10. today, is, what, it, day?


1、i h**e tomatoes on mondays.(否定句) i h**e tomatoes on mondays.

2、there is an apple on the table.(复数句) there some on the table.

3、there are 60 students in the classroom.(对划线部分提问students are there in the classroom?

4、i often play football on tuesdays.( 变一般疑问句often football on tuesdays?

5、it’s friday today.(对划线部分提问is it today?

6. no, i can’t. (写出提问句。

7. i can cook the meals. (写出提问句。

8. is there a river?(作否定回答)

9. what’s your f**ourite food? (写出回答句。

10. what’s your english teacher like? (写出回答句。


great !you’re helpful.

三年级数学金苹果 五

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