五年级英语PEP上册期末复习 题

发布 2020-11-16 16:42:28 阅读 5423

pep grade 5 (上)final test

1. look and write

1) monday — mon.

wednesday —_thursdayfridaysundaytuesdaysaturday— _

2) tall — ball

coatonsourporkshorthorse —_

3) three — tree


anyfrom —_

4) red — green

youngactivestrongsweettallin front of —_

5) he’s — he is

they’redon’ti’d likewhat’sshe’s


1) day, what, today, is, it, (

2) lunch, for, what, you, h**e, do, mondays, on, (

3) f**ourite, your, fruit, what’s, (

4) english, teacher, your, what’s, (

5) active, very, she’s, (

6) can what you do (?

3. look and write







model: where is the duck? it’s in the trash bin.

1) where is the dog? it’s __the___

2) where is the mouse? it’s __the___

3) where is the cat? it’s __the___

4) where is the rabbit? it’s __the___

5) where is the monkey? it’s __the___




n p r t

c e g i k


young black short big fat

small thin white tall old

七、从下列每组单词中选出事同类的一个,并将abcd序号填写到前面括号里(10分)( 1a pencil b eraser c ruler d plane

) 2 a pork b fruit c chicken d fish

) 3 a window b hotel c park d school

)4 a blue b yellow c pictured green

)5 a doctor b sister c driver d nurse


)1do you h**e a football ?

)2 can you wash the clothes?

)3what is seven and four

)4what day is it today

)5are there any fish in the river?

a. it’s saturday. b. yes, we do.

c. no, there aren‘t. d. yes, i can.

e. eleven



mum and dad.

night, mum and dad.


a. what’s this? b. can you spell it?


a. clean the classroom, please.

b. let’s clean the classroom.


would you like? b. how are you? c. how nice!


a. what do you do on sundays?

b. what’s your f**ourite ?

c. today is sunday.



反义词) 2.打扫卧室(英语)

同音词) 完全形式)



the trash(汉语)

the windows(汉语)

复数) 二、连词成句。

1.pandas, any, there, are, ?mountains, the on, bed, are, many, you, the, table, can ?

li,teacher, miss,english, is, what, it, day ?


1. no, i can’t. (写出提问句)

can cook the meals. (写出提问句)

there a river?(作否定回答)

your f**ourite food? (写出回答句)

your english teacher like? (写出回答句)


1.let我们) sweep the floor.

2. miss white is my中文) teacher.

often打) ping—pong on the playground.

blackboard is in前面) of the classroom.

5. don’t看) books on the bed.


)1. mr. lin is our math teacher.

he’s a

a. boy b. man c. woman

)2. the bridge is __the river.

a. on b. at c. over

)3. can you do the dishes?

a. yes, he can. b. yes, i can

c. no, i can’t.

)4. potatoes _ my f**ourite food.

a. are b. is c. am

)5. there __many chairs and a teacher’s desk.

a. are b. is c. /

)6. is he tall? _he’s short.

a. yes, he is. b. no, he isn’t. c. no, he is.

)7. what can sarah docan make the bed.


广州五年级英语上册期末复习题 unit1 一 根据中文意思,默写单词。爱好 嗜好模型。收集邮票。更 更多比。多于国家。保持 饲养动物。每在 期间。二 根据中文意思,写出短语。1做轮船模型 2喜欢制作。3超过 20 艘轮船 4集邮。5养宠物6三只鸟。7玩 8每天。9读书10每天晚上。11玩电脑游戏 1...


一 填空 8分 1 不改变3.6的大小,使它成为三位小数,是 2 男生有20人,女生人数是男生的3倍,女生有 人。3 小华有30道作业题,已经做了a道,还剩 道没有做。4 火车5小时行驶b千米,平均每小时行驶 千米。5 比a小b的数是。6 一批布料长215米,栽40套西服,每套3.5米,剩下的布料栽...


1 填空题一个。的分数单位是 它有 个这样的分数单位,再添上 个这样的分数单位就是最小的质数。2 一个非零自然数既是它本身的 又是它本身的 至少增加 才是3的倍数,至少减少 才是3的倍数。4 把6米长的绳子平均分成5份,每份占全长的 每份长 5 一个梯形的上底长5米,如果上底增加3米就变成了正方形,...