
发布 2023-03-16 06:02:28 阅读 9929



1.b t om(底部) m r__ 照相机)

3.c mp t r(电脑) v l pe(信封)

5. g f (礼物 t(指向)

7. c__r__e__(角落) 伤,伤害)


复数形式 (复数形式。






1. in the train station2. don’t worry

3. go for a in beijing

5. can i help you

6. 我看见一座大山。

7. 昨天我看见丹尼了。

8. 照相9. 一些水果。

10. 生日快乐。


1. the boylike ) loud talking.

2. this woman isliming) mother.

3. the birds aresing ) a song now.

4i ) pop is in my stomach!

5. they laughloud )

五、单项选择。 (共10分)

) 1are my glasses.

a. that b. this c. these

) 2. now she isfilm in her camera.

a. put b. putting c. to put

) 3. you see books on the desk?

a. can some b. can any c. would any

) 4. i like __basketball.

a. play b. plays c. played

) 5. _wants to go shopping today? i do.

a. what b. whom c. who

) 6. is thatcamera?

a. kate b. kates c. kate's

) 7. i want __some postcards.

a. buy b. to buy c. buying

) 8. did you h**e __in beijing?

a .fun b. great c. nice

) you like __soup?

a. any b. many c. some

) 10. what are you doing? (

a. i’m reading a book. b. i’m read a book. c. i’m doing.


) 1. it's about five hundred year old

a b c d

) 2. what do you do yesterday

a b c d

) 1. everyone in our class like watching tv___

a b c d

) 4. mrs. li, danny, jenny, and li ming take a cab for their hotela b c d

) 5. i can look a bird in the tree

a b c d


kate is _1_ english girl. her mother is a teacher, and her father is a police officer. she _2__ a brother, his name is jim.

kate is eight years old, and her brother is twelve. now, their family is __3__ the they’re h**ing fun in the kate is __4___tv, jim is sending an e-mail __5__ his friend, and their mother and father is cooking now.

)1. a. ab. an c. the d. /

)2. a. h**e bc. has d. is

)3. a. inb. at cd. go

)4. a. watch b. watches c. watching d. watched

)5. a. from b. of c. for d. to

八.小作文。( 20分 )


提示:mom: zhang li na

address: 123 jiang su road lhasa, xi zang, china.


人教版五年级英语下册期末试卷 班级姓名得分。一 在画线部分读音相同的单词后画 不同的画 10分。1.maths grade2.she these 3.come from4.picture mine 5.uncle mum 二 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。10分。1.play2.help3.do ...


观音学校2014 2015学年第二学期。五年级英语期末测试卷。满分100分 考试时间 100分钟 亲爱的小朋友们,你们这学期一定又学到了很多东西吧?现在让我来考考你,只要你细心一定不会被我难倒哦!一 字母 写出dd到oo 大小写形式 注意大小都写哦!10分 二 选出下列单词的汉语意思,并把对应序号写...


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