人教版七年级英语上册期末考试试题 含答案

发布 2023-03-13 12:24:28 阅读 4858




1. this is a girlname is sheb. herc.

itsd. his2. i can see fouron the cakeb.

a cakec. cakesd. the cake3.

mr green has threejim, jeff and sonsb. daughtersc. twinsd.


4. mum, _is my friend, li lei. li leiis my he; sheb.

she; hec. this; thisd. this; that5.

"what's thatenglish?" i don't know."a.

inb. onc. ford.

at6jim. can you colour it red?

a. sorryb. i'm sorryc. excuse med. thank you7. ann! that bagyours.

a. looks afterb. looks likec.

look liked. looks8. it's time for bed.

pleaseyour shoes and clothes, put onb. look afterc. look atd.

take off9. we can see a boy, a girla man in that orb. butc.

tood. and10. tom isbrother.

a. lucy and lily'sb. lucy's and lilyc. lucy's and lily'sd. lucy and lilyii.选择正确的对话语序。

11.①which woman?②who's that woman?

③she's my teacher.④the one on the red it isn't.②it's a jeep.

③what's that?④is it yours?a.


④①13.①great! let's go and h**e a look.

②what's in it?③where's tom?④there's a tree housethere.

⑤he's up there in the tree with bill.⑥in the tree? why?

⑦there's a small bed, atable and a clock.



a)my name is ling feng. i am a chinese boy. at school i h**e a good friend, mike.

he is an english is twelve, but i am thirteen. we are in no. 5 middle school.

we are in the same grade, but we are indifferent (不同的) classes. mike's sister is not a student. she is four.

his mother can look after her at home.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(t)误(f):14.

mike is ling feng's friend at school.()15. ling feng and mike h**e the same age.

()16. the two boys are in the same schools.()17.

mike's sister is a student, too.()

18. from this passage (从这篇短文中) ,we can know the mother's name.()

b)i h**e a good friend in my home. it is a bird. its name is polly.

it's three. it is yellow and very beautiful(美丽). i play with it after school.

my classmates-ann and kate often(时常) come to see it.

polly sings (唱歌) every day. i teach (教)it to sing the "abc". now it can sing the "abc".

i like it verymuch.

根据短文内容,回答问题。19. who is my friend?

a. kate.20. is polly a bird?

a. no, it no, it isn' yes, it yes, it isn't.21. how old is polly?

a. four.22.

who teaches (教) polly to sing the "abc"?a. i you she he does.

23. where's polly?

a. it's a it's in my it's in the sky (天空).d. it's in a tree.



24. ann is __

a. lucy's sam's grandmac. mike's grandpad. kate's daughter

25. we call (叫) ann brown __now.

a. mrs jimb. miss annc. miss brownd. mrs green

26. kate is

a. sam's motherb. lucy's fatherc.

mike's sisterd. mike's brother27. there are __people is ann's fourb.

sixc. eightd. two

28. sue is

a. lucy's auntb. jim's daughterc.

kate's sisterd. bill's sisteriv、用所给词的适当形式填空1. li leibe) at school.

2. therebe) some books on the desk.3.

what's injim) room?4come) and meet the family.5.

wherebe) lucy's shoes?6. let'slook) at the map on the wall.

7. miss gao isthey) teacher.8.

it's timego) to bed.

9. kate is a new student. she'samerica)10. where are yourbox)?


what colour, what, how, how old, where, who, what class, which, how many, what time1are you in?--i'm in class 1.2are you?

--i'm 13.


3is one and two?--it's three.

4is the boy?--he's my brother.5is tom?--he's at home.

6are you?--i'm fine.7is it?--it's red.

8girl?--the one in the white hat.9kites can you see?--ten.

10is it?--it's a quarter to nine.

vi、(a)用所给词完成下列对话,每空一词。no, sorry, number, speak, this, ita: hello! may ito mr liu?

b: mr liu? there ismr liu here.

who is this, please?ais jack. is62335676?

b: no. that's a wronga:

ohb: that's ok.(dial again重播号)

b)用所给字母提示继续完成下列对话,每空一词。c: h___a: yes. is that mr liu?

c: jack. my friend bill can't f___his gloves. can you h___him find it?

c: yes. please c___to my room.

there are a pair of (一副) gloves here. maybe (或许) they areh___


a: good. we'll come soon. see y___bye-bye.





iv、1. is 2. are 3.

jim's 4. come 5. are 6.

look 7. their 8. to go 10.


v. 1. what class 2.

how old 3. what 4. who 5.

where 6. how 7. whatcolour 8.

which 9. how many 10. what time

vi. 1. speak 2.

no 3. this 4. it 5.

number 6. sorry 7. hello 8.

find 9. help10. come 11.

his 12. you


人教版七年级英语上册期末考试试题 包含答案

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