2019七年级英语上册1 3单元检测人教版

发布 2023-03-12 12:20:28 阅读 2085





a.good morning! b. good afternoon!c. good evening!


a.how do you do? b. thanksc. hello


a.how are you? b. how do you do? c. bye bye.


a. good evening! b. good night! c. thanks!

)5.- how are you

a. fine, thanks. b. how are you? c. how do you do?

)6. 当你不认识某物时,你应用英语向别人问。

a. what’s thisb. what this is ? c. this is what ?

)7.- what is this

a. it’s rulerb. it’s milkc. it’s a book


a.sorryb. thanksc. what’s this ?

)9.- what color is it

a. it’s a red b. it’s redc. it red

)10. what’s this english ?

a. onb. okc. in

)11it’s yellow

a. what’s thisb. what’s color is it? c. what color is it?


a. what’s your name? b. what’s this? c. what color is it?


a.中国 b.中国**电视台 c.动画频道。

)14.―how do you do

a. good morning. b. how do you do? c. fine, thanks.

)15.―pleasethe word(单词)”map”, lily.

ok, it’s “m-a-p”.

a. lookb. spellc. read


a. 26; 5b. 26; 3 c. 24; 5

)17. 选出不同类型的一项

a. penb. rulerc. key

) bike’sis black and yellow.

a. it isb. itc. color

)19. this book is orange. it’s orange book.

a. /ab. /anc. an; an

)20-”how is your mother

a. goodb. she is fine c. how are you


iii21. what’ s this in englisha. thank you..

22. what’s your nameb. it’s a book.

23. what color is itc. my name is lily.

24. thanks a lotd. it’s red.

25. sit down, pleasee. that’s ok

三、 完形填空。(10分,每题1分)

this 41 our new teacher. 42 name is jenny brown. brown is her 43 name,jenny is her 44 name.

she 45 good. she give me(给我) 46 apple, the apple is __47__ 48__ name 49 lily. i’m a __50_.

) 42. her

) 50. girl


a)good morning, boys and girls! my name is jane your new english teacher. this is a new student(学生).

her name is mary. come here and sit down ,please,mary.

) green is an english teacher.

) is a boy. he is new.

) can call(叫)jane green miss green.

) 54.短文中画线短语sit down 意思是“请进来”。

) afternoon now(现在).

b)hello! i’m bob. this is pleasant goat’s room(喜洋洋的房间).

what’s this? it’s a a blue that?it’s a it’s is pleasant goat’s that on the quilt?

it’s a a green that on the wall?oh,it is a map.

) color is the quilt?

) and the___are blue.

a. ruler, jacket b. pen, map c. pen, ruler

) is on the qulit ?

pen b. a ruler c. a jacket

) the meaning of(..的意思)“wall”?

a.家人 b. 墙壁 c.地球

)5. the passage is about(文章是关于。

jacket b. pleasant goat’s quilt c. pleasant goat’s room




61. ita red pen62. wegilrs.

63. thishis ruler64. sheeleven.

65. iin class one(一班)


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