
发布 2023-03-11 15:35:28 阅读 2683


题型解析:完型填空旨在考察在具体情境中的语言知识运用能力, 及阅读理解必背的细节信息分析与概括能力、综合分析与推测能力。 其中以词汇在语境中的辨析为核心。

考点解析:1. 名词:(1)重点考查对选项选在句子及前后句的理解,确定与语境一致的选项;


2. 动词:(1)近义词义在语境中的辨析; (2)一词多义在语境中的选择;



3. 形容词副词: (1)确定描述的对象(人物、事情、动作及其它);



4. 代词1)在对句意理解过程中正确找到指代对象;

2)附加判断依据: 前后句中(重点在前句)出现的名词、代词(both, all 等);

5. 连词1)前后句的逻辑关系(并列,选择,转折,因果等)

2)附加判断依据: 肯定与否定、形容词副词的相对变化、动作发生的变化等。

考点总结:在语境中考查词汇的运用: 词不离句,句不离篇。


1. 词汇量: 词汇是理解的基础,是整篇文章的单元细胞(阅读理解也是如此);所有的阅读技巧和解题技巧都是建立在能理解文章基本意思基础之上的;

2. 话题材料: 相对来说,平时阅读较多的话题在阅读时障碍较小,无论在词汇方面还是在信息方面都会有一定的理解基础,所以平时注重对不同话题材料的习惯性阅读是重要的;

3. 语言知识掌握: 包括词汇用法、短语句型、语法在句式分析方面等,这是考查选项的直接体现方面。

4. 文章信息量和包含语言知识量的加大,如果与平时练习的文章有较大的差别,则感觉会有一定的难度。

this is the first week of this term. we h**e a new 1 , mr. green.

he teaches us 2 . his english is very good. he usually speaks english in class.

sometimes he 3 a little chinese. mr. green draws well 4 sings well.

we like his 5 very much. after class, mr. green talks to us and 6 games with us.

he is very 7 . we like him very much.

mr. green is a tall man. his home is near the school.

he 8 to school every day. there are four people in his family: mr.

green, mrs. green and their two little sons. the 9 are twins.

they are only five. sometimes i play with 10 . and they like me, too.

1. a. student b. friend c. teacher d. worker

2. a. english b. chinese c. maths d. art ;

3. a. asks b. speaks c. says d. studies

4. a. and b. butc. or d. so

5. a. pictures b. songs c. lessons d. voice

6. a. watches b. plays c. buys d. plays with

7. a. nice b. different c. healthy d. well

8. a. drives b. goes c. walks d. runs

9. a. girls b. boys c. sisters d. brother

10. a. itb. him c. them d. they

english names and chinese names are quite different in some 1 ways, but it's not hard for us to know.

unlike chinese, most english people h**e 2 names. one is their family name, both of the other names are given names. their family name is 3 the given name. they use mr., mrs. or miss with the 4 name, but they never use 5 with the first name. for example, we can 6 a man named james allan green mr green, 7 we can't call him mr james or mr allan. people usually use jim 8 james. jim is short for james because it's 9 to remember.

but chinese names are the opposite. a girl with the name han limei 10 her family name han first. of course, she can be called ah mei for short in china if you wish.

1.a.another b.other c.others d.the others

2.a.one b.two c.three d.four

3.a.above b.front c.back d.behind

4.a.last b.given c.middle d.full

5.a.their b.them c.its d.it

6.a.ask b.say c.call d.write

7.a.so b.or c.and d.but

8.a.instead of b.for long c.so far d.next to

9.a.important b.easy c.difficult d.interesting

10.a.put b.putting c.puts d.was put

from monday to friday most people are busy working or studying , but in the evenings and weekends they are free and __1___themselves. some watch television or go to the movies, others __2__ sports. this is decided by their own __3___

there are many different ways to spend our___4___time.

almost everyone has some kind of __5___it may be something from collecting stamps to ****** model planes. some hobbies are very___6___but others don’t cost anything at all. some collections(收藏)are worth __7___of money, others are valuable (有价值的)only to their owners.

i know a man who has a coin collection worth several __8__ dollars. a short time ago he bought a rare(罕见的)fifty-cent piece which __9__ him $250! he was very happy about this collection and thought the price was all right .

on the other hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes(火柴盒). he has almost 600 of them, but i wonder __10___they are worth any money . however, to my brother they are quite valuable.

__11___makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection.


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一 儿子割草记。独生儿子自然一向是宝贝的。他从小过着衣来伸手 饭来张口的舒适生活。要零用钱么,说一声就行,从不打回票。直到上学期结束,班主任在品德评语栏上委婉地写了一条 有时花钱大手大脚,望克服 的意见,才使我悚然一惊。暑假一开始,儿子向我提出要更新游泳裤 救生圈 潜水镜 遮阳帽等全套装备,共需人民...


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