
发布 2023-03-11 14:17:28 阅读 9767





.听录音,根据所听内容选择对应的信息( **相应的单词 )句子读两遍(10分)

)1. volleyballc. basketball

)2. a. ping-pong ball b. baseball bat c. ping-pong bat

)3. a. under the bed the bed c. under the chair

) radiob. tvc. tape player

)5. a. play tennisb. play volleyball c. play football


)6. what does mike h**e?

a. a soccer ball. b. a ping-pong ball. c. a tennis ball.

) is linda’s volleyball?

a. under the sofa. b. on the sofa. c. on the bed.

)8. what does mike think of (认为)basketball?

a. it is boring. b. it is difficult. c. it is relaxing.

)9. who loves sports?

a. cindy b. sally c. grace

)10. how many(多少) balls does henry h**e?

a. five b. six c. seven


a. where are your baseball bats?

b. let’s play ping-pong.

c. do you h**e any baseball bats?

d. do you h**e a ping-pong ball and two ping-pong bats?

e. let’s play baseball this afternoon.


笔试部分。一、 单项选择。 (20分)

)1. —do you h**eorange?

no, i don’t. but i h**ebanana.

a. a; a b. a; anc. an; a d. an; an

)2. —let’s get someok.

a. bread b. carrot c. egg d. tomato

)3. —what do you likelunch? —i like rice.

a. about b. for c. with d. of

)4. —whatdoes kate like?

she likes strawberries.

a. color b. sport c. fruit d. vegetable

)5. i eat vegetables every day. they arefood.

a. interesting b. difficult c. boring d. healthy

)6. —is mary’s birthday next week?

yes, you’re

a. easy b. late c. tidy d. right

)7. i don’tfood after seven in the evening. i don’t want to be fat.

a. eat b. see c. know d. find

)8tomcarrots? —yes, he does.

a. do; likes b. is; like c. does; like d. is; likes

)9. —can mike play basketball? —yes, and he plays it

a. good b. well c. so d. nice

)10. —i eat an apple in the morning every day.

that’s a good

a. star b. habit c. question d. number

)11.— excuse me. do you h**e shoesblue?

sure, and we h**e red shoes.

a. in b. on c. at d. of

)12.— susan, do you h**e a blue ruler?

yes. i h**eandis in my pencil box.

a. it; one b. one; one c. one; it d. it; it

)13. the skirt isfor me. i need a long one.

a. big b. short c. late d. easy

)14. there arestudents in our class, twelve boys and eighteen girls.

a. twenty b. eleven c. fifteen d. thirty

)15.— where are my

your jacket is on the sofa, but i don’t know where your trousers are.

a. books b. clothes c. photos d. tapes

)16.— do you know thatyes. he’s my cousin john.

a. boy b. woman c. girl d. question

)17.— what’s theof the t-shirt? —15 dollars.

a. name b. number c. price d. color

)18.— mom, the sweaternice. i want to buy it. —ok.

a. sees b. meet c. looks d. sounds

)19. —please call me when youmy help.— ok, thanks.

a. take b. h**e c. know d. need

)20.— can i use (用) your dictionary, amy?— sure

a. you’re welcome b. thank you c. that’s right d. here you are

二、 完形填空。 (10分)

there is a bear family in the forest (森林). they are mother bear, 11 bear and baby bear. they h**e a big house and each of 12 has a big bed.

mother bear 13 cooking (烹饪). she cooks all kinds of 14 every day. for breakfast, they 15 bread, eggs and milk.

for lunch, they eat rice and chicken. they eat hamburgers 16 dinner. mother bear likes 17 very much.

it can make her cool (凉快的). but she 18 eats one a day. father bear likes chicken and he can eat a lot.

baby bear likes milk. it’s 19 for his health. the family don’t like vegetables or fruit, so they are all 20 .


2018 2019学年第一学期第三次月考七年级生物试卷。一。选择题 其中只有一个符合题目要求,请将答案案填入方框内,30分 1.根能够不断地生长,主要是因为 a 成熟区的细胞不断地 新细胞。b 分生区细胞不断生长,根冠细胞不断的进行 c 成熟区的细胞不断地 同时伸长区的细胞不断伸长。d 分生区的细胞...


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