
发布 2023-03-11 09:53:28 阅读 9292

...units1-3&unit 11.打招呼的用语。

第一次见面:a:howdoyoudo? b:howdoyoudo?


how are you? b: i am fine/ all right/ok.

3.辨认物品句型(—what’s this in english?—it’s a/an…)。

4辨别颜色句型(what color is it? it’s red/green…)。5询问他人姓名及**号码句型;掌握一些英文数字(0-9)。

what’s your/his/her first name? what’s your/his/her family/last name?what’s your/his/her/ your sister’s phone number?


中国名字family/last name在前面,first/given name在后面。mr./mrs/miss/ms+ family teacher is mary smith.

mary is her __name. smith is her __name. we call her___


i, we, you, he, she, it, they是主格,通常放句首做主语。me, us, you, him, her, it, them是宾格,通常放句末做宾语。我们)likemissli.



there is ana, e, f, h, i, l, m, n,o, r,s, x in the word “…

aneraser,anidcard,anorange,anapple,anenglishboy,an***,anorangebook,aniphone6,an ipad. an old man, an interesting song, an e-mail address, an american girl, an aunt,an uncle

9.介绍自我介绍的一些重点句型如:there are…people in my family.

they are……i study inclass…,grade…. i like….

unit 2&3复习重点。


1) :介绍他人的句型:单数用this/that is+单数复数用these/those are+复数。

2)is this/that…? 回答用yes, it is或no, it isn’t; are these/those回答用they3)打**时:--who’s that?

(你是谁) -this is john.(我是约翰)。2.

短语: thanks for···here is/are;a photo of;excuse me;

call/ email sb. at;thanks for doing sth.;ask sb. for sth.;a set of...

3.分辨:a: how do you spell it?= spell it, please. b: p-e-n, pen.

a: can you spell it?b: yes, p-e-n, pen.

4.句型:-- who’s she/he/theyshe’s/he’s/they’re···what’s this in english?--it’s a/an···

-- is this/that your pencilyes, it is. /no,it isn’t. it’s his.

--is this boy/girl your brother/sisteryes, he/she is. no, he/she isn’t.--are these/those your books?

-yes, they are./ no, they aren’t. they’re hers.


my, our, your, his, her, its, their是形容词性物主代词,后加名词。mine, ours, yours, his,学习参考。

hers, its, theirs是名词性物主代词,后面不加名词。

i like __你的) book,but i don’t like她的).

unit 4复习重点。

1.介词:in,on, under, between, beside, next to, near, behind, in front of2.

谈论物品的位置:where’s + the/your单数物品?it’s +介词短语。

where are + the/your复数物品?they’re +介词短语。

unit 5复习重点。

1.重点句型(询问对方是否拥有某物)--do you h**eyes, i do./ no, i don’t..

-do they h**eyes, they do./ no, they don’t..-does he h**eyes, he does.

/ no, he doesn’t.--does she h**eyes, she does./ no, she doesn’t.


she has a football. he likes playing basketball. tom always plays baseball.


does she h**e a football? does he like playing basketball?does tom always play baseball?

ball和tennis,pingpong和pingpong ball的区别。表示打网球这种运动的时候不用ball.表示网球时要用balli like playing tennis, and i h**e two tennis balls.

she plays pingpong, but she doen’t h**e a pingpong ball.

4. .let的用法:

let’s do sth. /let sb. do sth.

动词原形, let后面要用宾格。let’s打) volleyball tomorrow. let我)try.

5. sound的用法:后加形容词,如果主语是第三人称单数,sound要加sthat sounds good.

it sounds great. the songs sound very good.6.



play football/basketball/soccer/baseball; play piano/violin/guitar7.分辨:every day每一天everyday adj.

每天的,后加名词8.短语:watch tv看电视on tv在电视上,通过电视。

9. h**e和has的用法:主语是第。


10. h**e和there be的区别: h**e表示某人有,there be表示某地有某物,there be要用就近原则。

h**e a nice room. there is a chair and two desks in my room. there are two computersand a notebook on the desk.

unit 6复习重点。


--do you like saladyes, i do./no, i don’t.

--do they like vegetablesyes, they do./no, they don’t.--does she like ice creamyes, she does.

/no, she doesn’t.--does he like strawberriesyes, he does./no, he doesn’ about (doing) sth.


3. how about (doing) sth. =what about ( doing) sth.

怎么样?表示提建议how about playing basketball?去打篮球怎么样?


4. like +名词复数/不可数名词。

she likes bananas, but she doesn’t like milk.

5. h**e /has表示“吃”时,和eat的区别。h**e既表示喝又表示吃,eat只表示吃。

i eat/ h**e rice for breakfast. i h**e bread and milk for lunch.

6. good / well的区别: good是形容词,修饰名词;well是副词,修饰动词。

she is a good student. she studies well.

7.许多:lots of;a lot of; many; much之间的区别。

lots of=a lot of既可加可数名词复数,也可以加不可数名词。many+可数复数,much+不可数名词i eat lots of/ a lot of/ much healthy food. i eat lots of/ a lot of/ many vegetables everyday.

8. health和healthy的区别: health是名词,healthy是形容词。

she eats a lot of healthy food because it’s good for eats a lot of healthy food because she wants to be healthy.9.名词的分类:





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