
发布 2023-03-11 10:22:28 阅读 2989




. 听辨字母、音标、词语(本题共有5个小题,共5分。每个小题你将听到一个字母、音标或词语,在a、b、c中选出你听到的内容,并将答案序号写在题前括号内)

)1. a. cdb. voac. hb

)2. a. dictionary b. bookc. pen

)3. a. [eib. [uc. [au]

)4. a. [rib. [tric. [fri:]

)5. a. it’s nameb. his namec. your name

. 对话理解(本题共有5个小题,共5分。每小题听到一段对话和一个问题,在a、b、c中选出正确的答案,并将答案序号写在题前括号内)

( )1. a. tenb. twelvec. eight

( )2. a. english books b. chinese books c. i don’t know.

( )3. a. yes,it is b. no,it isn’tc. i don’t know

( )4. a. under the bed b. under the table c. i don’t know

( )5. a. jim and kate b. jack and betty c. sam and kate

. 听对话,补全单词(本题共5小题,共5分。听一段对话,填出空白处的单词,并将单词写在题后横线上)

a: hello! how are you?

b: fine, 1 you.

a: are you lily?

b: no. 2 lucy.

a: sorry. you and lily 3 the same. is lily 4 , too.

b: no,she’s not at school 5 .

a: how is she?

b: she’s not fine.

笔试部分。iv. 单项选择(本题共有20小题,每题1分。请从每个小题的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。)

)1. –hi, lucy. nice to meet you.

–hi, jim

a. fine, thank you b. nice to meet you c. good morning d. how do you do

)2. –do you know how to __this word?

–yes, b-a-l-l.

a. spellb. readc. seed. meet

)3. –where __the socks?

on the bed.

a. is; it’sb. are; they c. are; they’re d. is; it

)4. this is my little sistername is jenny, we all like___

a. she; sheb. her; her c. she; herd. her; she

)5. please __these books to your school.

a. takeb. bring c. bed. do

)6. there is a computer __the desk.

a. onb. inc. underd. for

)7. i h**e a tv. she also __a tv.

a. h**eb. hasc. isd. are

)8. this song soundsi like it.

a. goodb. badc. welld. badly

)9. –how many __do you h**e?

–let me see, my father has two brothers.

a. cousinsb. uncles c. sisterd. aunts

)10you __tv every day?

—yes, i do.

a. can; seeb. do; watch c. is; watchd. are; see

)11. i like apples __bananas, but i don’t like pears.

a. orb. andc. sod. because

)12. they h**e hamburgers __lunch.

a. atb. onc. ind. for

)13. he wants __a dictionary in the store.

a. buyb. and buys c. to buyd. buys

)14. they like __after school.

a. play the basketballb. play basketball

c. to play the basketballd. to play basketball

)15. she eats three __every day .

a. the tomato b. tomatos c. tomatoesd. tomato

)16. let’s __sports.

a. to playb. playsc. playingd. play

)17. this is __room.

a. lucy and lily b. lucy and lily’s c. lucy’s and lily’s d. lucy’s and lily

)18. don’t give me so many hamburgers. my __is enough.

a. foodb. foodsc. applesd. vegetables

)19. -do you think the english class

no, we all like it.

a. interesting b. boringc. lotd. a lot

–i like tennis and volleyball best

a. what’s your f**orite colorb. what’s your f**orite sport

c. do you like tennis or volleyballd. can you play volleyball well


today is sunday. brother and i 1 at home. we 2 to carry two boxes into the room.

3 box is big, but it’s light(轻的). my brother’s box is 4 , but he**y(重的). we put 5 on the table.

we can see 6 clothes in the boxes, but my 7 aren’t in them. i 8 find my socks. brother can 9 me to find them.

they’re under the bed. i must look 10 my things. we put the 11 boxes away.

the chair is 12 . brother and i can mend(修理)it. after that, we 13 basketball 14 the playground(操场).

we are very happy, we 15 this sunday.


勤建学校2013 2014学年度第一学期七年级期中考试。地理试卷。总分 60分。一 选择题 共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分 1 从太空观测,地球的形状是。a 天圆如张盖,地方如棋局 b 一张倒扣的盘子。c 正圆的球体 d 不规则的球体。2 从太空观测,地球。a 是静止不动的 b 是由东向西自转...


2012年上期滁口中学七年级语文期中考试试卷。姓名班次学号。一 积累与运用 本大题共7小题,除第2小题6分,第7小题4分外,其余每小题2分,共22分 1.读下面的文段中的拼音写出相应的汉字,并改正文段中的一个错别字。这个方面,情况就ji ng乎不同,而且一返既往。写汉字 ji ng 乎不同 改错改为...


马营初中李红莉。本次期中考试已经结束,但成绩并不十分理想。我所带的七 3 班整体较好,而七 4 班两极分化严重,两个班平均分相差2分,两个班不及格总共15人。虽然说试题简单,但是存在的问题依然很明显。面对成绩,谈几点自己的反思。通过试卷分析,发现学生听力能力 阅读理解能力和书面表达能力较弱,具体来说...