
发布 2023-03-10 20:14:28 阅读 5448

unit 1-4

1. come on快点儿 / meet 遇见。

2. tidy / nice / look nice 看起来漂亮的。

3. know / no / i don’t know.

4. under / on / in + the bookcase/ chair/ table…

5. everywhere到处= here and there 这儿,那儿

6. his / my / her/ your / our / their …的。

his/ mine / hers / yours/ours / theirs …东西。

7. excuse me/ help me/ …

8. thank you for = thanks for… 为…而感谢 (doing)

9. ask for help寻求帮助 /ask for a useful book. 要一本有用的书。

10. must必须/ can能(情态动词)

do/ does (助动词动原。

let’s11. a set of 一组,一套

a pair of 一双,一条。

a photo/ picture of… …的**。

12. dictionary/ strawberry (复数)改y为 i ,加es

13. lost and found 失物招领 i can lose them.

lose findi must find it.

14. classroom 教室/ classmate同学/ middle school中学。

15. call / e-mail me at + 号码。

16. those these are/ do…

that this is/ does…

17. he / i / she / you / we / they… 某某(主格)

him / me / her/you / us/ them… (宾格)

18. cousin/ daughter/ an aunt / an uncle

19. here is/ are… (倒装句)

20. first name 名字 last name= family name 姓氏。

unit 1-4 句型。

1. the tape player is on the teacher’s desk.

2. the white model plane is hers.

this is her white model plane.

3. where are the english books? they’re under the radio.

4. where are the pencils?

--i don’t know. are they in the schoolbag?

--yes, they are.

5. i think it’s in your grandparents’ room.

6. ask the teacher for it. (祈使句)

7. how do you spell it?

spell it, please. (祈使句)

8. is this / that your sister? yes, it is. no, it isn’t.

is she your sister? yes, she is. no, she isn’t.

9. the blue pen is his. =this is his blue pen.

10. are these / those your pencils? no, they’re bob’s.

yes, they are.

11. in the next picture are my brothers. (倒装)

my friend is in china.

12. these are my parents and this is my grandma.

13. who’s he? -he’s her father.

14. what’s your phone number? it’s 281-9176.

my phone number is 281-9176.

15. are you helen? -yes, i am. /no, i’ m not.

unit 5 do you h**e a soccer ball?

1. 助动词 do don’t +do… 不做…

does doesn’t

be动词 am

is are

2. h**e 有,吃,举行 / has(三单)

h**e dinner 吃晚餐 / h**e a book sale. 进行卖书活动。

3. let us 我们 = let’s let +宾语+动词原形)

提建议 let me

= what about + doing

= how about + doing

4. be late.迟到 / sounds good/ boring/ fun…(形容词)

5. get 去取,得到 watch tv看电视 watch… on tv. 在电视上看…

take 买下,拿取 watches 手表。

6. relaxing/ interesting/ boring/ difficult/ easy/ cool (形容词)

7. the same… 相同的 /the first/ second/…

some milk/ pears/… 一些) 加不可数名词或可复。

8. play sports 做运动 / computer games/ soccer/ volleyball.

9. after class/ school/… 课后/放学后…

10. with us /them/ my classmates/…

bob and i …

unit5 重要句型。

1. tom has a baseball, but he doesn’t h**e a baseball bat.

2. i only watch sports on tv.

3. i love sports, but i don’t play them---i only watch them on tv.

4. my brother and i are in the same school.

5. let me get it. let’s play basketball.

unit 6 do you like bananas?

1. tomatoes carrots vegetables

2. milk/ bread / food / rice/ chicken / fruit

3. a week= seven days/ next week/ last week/ this week

4. think about 考虑。

5. how about (doing)? what about (doing)?

for) breakfast/ lunch/ dinner

eat/ h**e lunch/dinner 吃午餐/晚餐。

7. health healthy really 真正地 only 仅仅。

8. be 成为,是,在 (am is are)

want + to do(动词原形want to be fat.

9. habit 习惯 eating habits 饮食习惯。

10. play / eat well. 玩好/吃好。

unit6 重点句型。

1. do you like eggs for breakfast?

no, i don’t. i like oranges.

2. he likes ice-cream.

he doesn’t like vegetables.

3. let’s h**e/ eat ice-cream.

let’s h**e strawberries and apples then.

4. that sounds good./ sounds good.

5. i think it’s healthy.

oh, no, they’re not healthy.

unit71. how much is …?what’s the price of …?


at good prices

call me at…


clothes shorts

衣服 shoes


one / a pair of socks is…

two pairs of socks are…

3. big long

small short

4. woman women(复) 女人。

man men 男人。

5. need to do 需要做…

want to do 想要做…

6. take 买下,拿,取 i’ll take it./ them.

7. can i help you…? what can i do for you?

8. mr. 先生。

mrs. 夫人 (已婚姓氏(last name/family name)


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