
发布 2023-03-10 13:02:28 阅读 1069


1、目前所学的动词的形式有4 种:



动词不定式(to+动词原形);如:meet-to meet



would you like +to+动词原形? (你想要……吗?)

how about+动词ing ?(怎么样?……好不好?)

what about +动词ing? (怎么样?……好不好?)

why not +动词原形? (为什么不……呢?)

why don’t you +动词原形 ?(你为什么不……呢?)

let’s +动词原形。(让我们……吧。)

表同意、答应①yes,i’d like to./oh,i’d love to.②all right/ok.

③great!④sure.⑤good idea!

⑥ be glad to ⑦ would be very nice.⑧i’d like that.

表不同意、拒绝①no,thanks.②sorry,i can’t.③i’d like i’m afraid i can’t/i h**e no time.

3、目前学过的情态动词有can, may,could,would和will等五个。


后必须跟动词原形 ;②没有第三人称单数形式(其后不能加s);



would like to+动词原形(想要做某事);

want to+动词原形(想要做某事);

forget to+动词原形(忘记要做某事);

like to +动词原形(喜欢做某事);

love to +动词原形(喜欢做某事)

ask sb. to +动词原形。(请/叫某人做某事)

tell sb. to +动词原形。(告诉/叫某人做某事)

would like sb. to +动词原形。(想叫某人做某事)

want sb. to +动词原形。(想叫某人做某事)

h**e to +动词原形(必须/不得不做某事)

nice/glad/happy to +动词原形(很高兴做某事)

如:nice to meet you. i’m glad to be here.

it’s time to +动词原形(是做某事的时候了)it’s very kind/nice of you to help me.




动词please(请)后:如:please tell him about the picnic.

短语why not…/why don’t you…后;

动词let 后;如:let jane help you. let’s go home.

动词help后,也可带to;如:let’s help maria (to) carry water.

祈使句以动词原形开头,如:h**e a seat , please.请坐下。


be动词后的动词;如:are you kidding? i’m just looking.

this is michael speaking.


如:what about +动词ing? ―what about flying a kite with me ?

how about +动词ing? ―how about going fishing this sunday?

it’s time for going home==it’s time to go home.

thank you for helping me.==thank you for your help.

go +动词ing――go fishing去钓鱼; go shopping去购物。

do some shopping购物。

like/love +动词ing (喜欢做某事)

7、 look at和see的用法。

1)look at表示“看、瞧”,着重指认真看,强调看的过程,看某人/物,其后必须接介词at,才能带宾语,如:he looks at me。他看着我。

2)see强调“看”的结果,着重的是look这个动作的结果,意思是“看到”,see后面能直接跟宾语。如:what can you see in the photo?


look at the blackboard. what can you see on it?看黑板!你看到了什么?

see 还指“看望,拜访”=visit. 如:he wants to see(visit)his uncle this sunday.

注意:看不见要用can’t see

8、look for和find的用法。

1)look for 表示“寻找”,强调找的过程;寻找某人/物,其后必须接介词for,才能带宾语,如:let’s look for the little dog.我们找一找那只小狗吧。

2)find 表示“找到,发现”,强调找的结果;

如:i look for my friend,jim here and i can’t find him now.我到处找我的朋友吉姆,但是现在我找不到他。

注意:找不到要用can’t find

9、house、 home和family的用法。

house :“房子”,指居住的建筑物;

home: 指广义的家。可以是居住的房子,也可以是包括家和家庭成员在内所有内容。也有“家乡、故乡”的意思,它具有house所没有的感**彩(如“团聚”、“想家”等;)

family: (1)作“家庭”解,被看作一个整体,有单数和复数两个形式:family--families。

例如:my family is very happy.我的家庭很幸福。

2)表示“全家人”,指家庭的全体成员,叫做集体名词,不用加s,就表示复数,后面的动词用复数。例如:my family are all free this sunday.


再如:please come to my house(=home) this afternoon. 今天下午请到我家来。

he is not at home. 他不在家。 my family all get up early. 我们全家人都起得很早。

in china,many families live on the farm.在中国,许多家庭住在农村。

10、england英国 english 英语 british英国人 china chinese america american

11、介词in 的用法。

in+语言表示“用某语言”in english in chinese

in+地点表示“在某地”in class two/in grade seven /in a hospital/ in beijing /in the usa

in 表示“在…里” in the letter 在信里 in the photo 在**里。


in the morning在早上 in the evening在晚上 in 2009 在2024年。

in + 颜色表示“穿着某颜色衣服”

the woman in white 穿着白色衣服的妇女the girl is in a red skirt.那个女孩穿着红裙子。

in the sun 在阳光下。

12、and 、but、 then、 so和 or 怎样连结两个句子。


i want to go fishing , and jim likes it ,too.我想去钓鱼,吉姆也想去。

but:"但是",表示转折关系 lily likes meat, but she doesn't like vegetables.

then “然后”,表示先后关系。

i'll go shopping, and then go to your home. 我要去买点东西,然后去你家。

so:"所以,因此", 表因果关系。

jim likes apples, so his mom buys some for him. jim喜欢苹果,因此他妈妈给他买了一些。

or“不然,否则”表转折。 i h**e to go with her , or she can’t find her way home.我必须和她一块去,不然她找不到她的家。

13、very、 very much 和a lot 的用法。


maria is very glad to live in china.

注意:我非常喜欢红色,不能说 i very like red. 要说i like red very much/a lot.

very much =a lot 表示“很,非常”,修饰动词,放在句尾。

he wants to visit the great wall very much/a lot.


缩写。i’m = i am ; you’re = you are we’re = we are they’re = they are ;


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