
发布 2023-03-01 05:12:28 阅读 4388



n.名词 v.动词 vt.及物动词 vi.不及物动词 adj.形容词。

adv.副词 prep.介词 pron.

代词 conj.连词欢迎使用本资料,祝您身体健康、万事如意,阖家欢乐。愿同学们健康快乐的成长。


1、 喜欢。

like / love / enjoy / be interested in / be crazy about (痴迷于)/ h**e fun / h**e a good time +doing sth.欢迎使用本资料,祝您身体健康、万事如意,阖家欢乐。愿同学们健康快乐的成长。


动词+doing 的还有。

go doing sth. /finish doing sth./be good at doing sth.

/ do well in doing sth.欢迎使用本资料,祝您身体健康、万事如意,阖家欢乐。愿同学们健康快乐的成长。


how/what about doing sth./practise doing sth.


read vt.看读物(read books/news*****/magazines/a map等)

look vi. 瞧常用短语look at/ for/around/after/out/over/up

see vt.看见,强调结果 i can see you.

watch vt.带有欣赏性的**watch tv/ a film / a football game


put on 强调“穿上”的动作eg. he __a coat and goes for a walk.

wear 强调“穿着”的状态;进行时态表示暂时的情况eg. she is wearing a new skirt now. /wear glasses

dress (1) dress sb. (2) dress oneself (3) dress up as (4) get dressed

in (穿戴)后接颜色(或衣服),表示状态 look!lucy is___a red skirt and a pair of pink shoes.

on 后接人指衣服穿在某人身上看出区别来。the red coat looks nice on you.


spend:sb.(人) +spend + 时间/金钱 + on sth.

sb.(人) +spend + 时间/金钱+(in) doing sth.

pay:sb.(人) +pay + 金钱+for sth.

cost:sth.(物) +cost + sb.+金钱。

doing + sb.+时间。

take:it takes sb. +时间+ to do sth.


home / there /here 前不加任何的介词 welcome home / come here / go there


make sb. do sth./ h**e sb. do sth. /let sth.


1)nice to meet you . 2) glad to meet you . 3) how are you ? 4) how are you doing ?

5)how is it going ? 6)how is everything going? (7) what’s up?

8、基数词+year(s)+old 表示“…岁”提问用“how old”名词性短语。

数词-year-old 也表示年龄,但其为形容词性短语“前有冠词后有名(词)”

eg. helen is 11 years old = helen is an 11-year-old girl.

9、let’s 与let us 的区别。

let’s do sth. 指包括听者(对方)和说者(我们)都在内,表示建议。

let us do sth.指“让(允许)我们做某事”而听者(对方)不做,只有“我们”做。

10、play+the+乐器类名词 play the piano

play + 球类运动 play+ football / play cards / play chess

11、she comes from shanghai= she is from shanghai . 注:如何提问shanghai 及如何改一般疑问句。

12、be good at =do well in = be clever at = study sth. well

be good at (反) be bad at do well in (反) be poor in


1)”在…正上方” there is a bridge over the river.

2)”越过” a plane flies over the house

3)”超过” there are over 20 boys in this class.

4)”结束” class is over! /game is over.

14、every one 与everyone 辨析。

区别(1)every one 可以与of 连用,而everyone 却不能与of连用。

one of the children likes playing the computer games.

2) everyone 只指人=everybody而every one 既指人又可指物。


15、family 的用法:“家庭”作为整体谓语动词用“单数”he has a big family.

家人”强调成员,是复数含义,谓语动词用“原形” my family are at home.


16、all/ both/ each/every/neither/ either 的用法。

all (1)三者或三者以上“全部、都”(2)all + the + 名词(all the afternoon = the whole afternoon)

3)all 放在行为动词前,名词前;be 动词后 (4) all of +宾格/名词复数。

both(1)两者都(2)后可跟of +宾格/名词复数both sides of the street are grown trees.

each 指两个或两个以上“每一个”个体each side of the street is grown trees.

every 指许多人或事物的“全体”后接名词单数 every student is here . 所有人都在。

neither指两者都不neither of you will go to the party.

either 指两者中任意一人意为“要么。要么” either you or your brother will go to the party.

17、walk 的用法。

1)作为及物动词;意为“遛(动物);陪着某人走”walk the dog = take the dog for a walk

2)作为不及物动词;意为“走、步行”walk to school =go to school on foot

3)作为名词;意为“步行、走”take a walk after supper =go walking after supper

4)walking作为动名词常做主语 walking is good for you.

18、含有o 结尾的名词变成复数加es的有:



look(看起来) sound(听起来)smell(闻起来)taste(尝起来)feel(摸起来)后加形容词。

20、make的两种用法:(1) make + sb. +adj. eg. make me happy (2) make sb.+do sth.

21、hope 的用法。

1)不及物动词 hope to do sth. i hope to hear from you soon.

(2) 后加that从句 i hope you can finish your work soon.

注意:无hope do sth. 用法;只有wish sb. to do sth.


week 周;指from monday to sunday weekday 工作日;指from monday to friday

weekend 周末;指 saturday and sunday (at /on weekends)

23、else 与 enough 的用法。

else 放在不定代词、疑问代词后面如:what else / anyone else

enough形容词放在enough 前面;名词放在enough后面,简称“形前名后” lucky enough ;enough time


one“同类不同一”只可代指可数名词单数 i don’t like the yellow bike , show me a red one.


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